
挑战TIME29期:US Students Lagin Science,Math

11月27日 编辑 39baobao.com




【section one】article

us students lag in science, math

(washington) — u.s. students are lagging behind their peers in other countries in science and math, test results out tuesday show.

the test, the program for international student assessment, was given to 15-year-olds in 30 industrialized countries last year. it focused on science but also included a math portion.

the 30 countries, including the united states, make up the anization for economic cooperation and development, which runs the international test.

the erage scores for u.s. students were lower than the erage scores for the group as a whole.

u.s. students also had an erage science score that was lower than the erage score in 16 other oecd countries. in math, u.s. students did even worse — posting an erage score that was lower than the erage in 23 of the other leading industrialized countries.

the test also was administered to students in about two dozen countries or jurisdictions that are not part of the industrialized group.

when pared with the broader group, the u.s. students fell in the middle of the pack in science and did somewhat worse in math.

there was no change in u.s. math scores since 2003, the last time the test was given. the science scores aren't parable between 2003 to 2006, because the tests aren't the same.

u.s. girls and boys did about the same on the science and math portions of the test.

finland's 15-year-olds did the best on the science test, followed by students in hong kong and canada. students in finland, taiwan, south korea and hong kong were the top performers in math.

【section two】vocabulary

1. peern.同等的人, 贵族;vi.凝视, 窥视;vt.与...同等, 封为贵族

2. jurisdictionn.权限

3. parableadj.可比较的, 比得上的

4. lag behind 落在后面

5. as a whole adv. 总体上

6. oecd 经合,经济合作与发展组织,oecd=anization for economic cooperation and development

7. administer to v.有助于, 给予

8. pare with 与…比较

【section three】homework

1. please translate the blue sentence into chinese.

"the erage scores for u.s. students were lower than the erage scores for the group as a whole."

2. did u.s. students he an erage science score that was lower than the erage score in 23 other oecd countries?

3. who did the best on the science test? how about students of other countries in science and math?


1. 美国学生的平均分低于所有参赛小组的总平均分。

2. no, their erage science score was lower than the erage score in 16 other oecd countries.

3. finland's 15-year-olds did the best on the science test, followed by students in hong kong and canada. students in finland, taiwan, south korea and hong kong were the top performers in math..


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