

02月19日 编辑 39baobao.com

[进出口贸易合同协议模板]进出口贸易合同模板_________公司(以下简称卖方)与_________公司(以下简称买方)订立合同如下:第一条 合同标的卖方卖出、买方购入商品。商品应符合下文第四款中所确定的清...+阅读

****国际贸易有限公司****INTERNATIONAL TRADING CO., LTD.*** ROAD (S), ****, CHINA传真FAX:86-****电话TEL:86-****E-MAIL:***163.com Buyers:售 货 合 约N.I. TEIJIN SHOJI (SHANGHAI)CO.,LTD.编号NO:mdjp002SALES CONTRACT日期DATE:November 26, 2007兹经买卖双方同意成交下列商品订立条款如下:The undersigned sellers and buyers have agreed to conclude the following trasactions according to the terms and conditions stipulated below:1.货物名称 2.包装及装运唛头 Description, Packing and Shipping Mark3.数量 Quantity4.单价 Unit Price 5.总价 Total Price*******FOB CHINAUSD****/**USD **** SHIPPING MARK AS PER THE BUYER'S REQUEST. TOTAL: *** ****(Shipment quantity 5% more or less allowed)6.装运期 Time of shipment: Not later than SEP. 25,2007,BY SEA7. 装运口岸和目的地Loading port &destination: From SHANGHAI to HONGKONG with partial shipment allowed.8. 保险 Insurance: To be effected by the Buyers.9. 付款条件 Terms of payment: 100% T/T BEFORE SEP. 10,200710. 附加条件 General Terms

(1)Inspection performed under the lawful import and export commdity inspection authority at the loading port and/or manufactures inspection, unless otherwise arranged,shall be final and conclusive in respect of quality and conditions of the merchandise. The certificate of quality andquantity issued by them shall be the foundation of negotiation for payment, and binding upon both parties.

(2)Quality/Quantity discrepancy and Claim: In case discrepancy on the quality/quantity of the goods is found by the Buyers after the arrival of the goods at the port of destination, the buyers may, within 30/15 days after arrivall of the goods at the port of destination,lodge with the Sellers a claimwhich should be supported by an Inspection Certificate of quanlity/quantity issued by a recongnized public surveyor approved by the Sellers. The Sellers shall, on the merits of claim either make good the loss sustained by the Buyers or reject his claim.It is understood that the Seller shall not beliable for any discrepancy of the goods shipped due to causes for which the Insurance Company,Shipping Company and other transportationorganization/or Post Office are liable.

(3)The Seller shall not be held liable for failure or delay in devery of the entire lot or a portion of the goods under this Sales Contract in consequence ofWar or other Force Majeure incidents. Buyers' failure to obtain the relative Import Licence is no to be treated as Force Majeure.

(4)The Buyer is requested to sign and return one copy of this Sales Contract immediately after receipt of the same, Objection,if any,should be raised by the Buyers within five days after the receipt of this Sales Contract, in the absence of which it is understood that the Buyer has accepted the termsand conditions of the Sales Contract.

(5)Any dispute arising from or in connection with contract shall be submitted to China International Econonic and Trade ArbitratioonCommissionarbitration which shall be conducted by the Commision in beijin or by its Shenzhen or Shanghai Sub-commission at the Claimant's option in accordancewith the Commission's arbitration rules. The arbitral award is final and binding upon both parties.买方:卖方:The Buyers:The Sellers:



进出口贸易合同协议书样本进出口贸易合同样本甲 方:___________公司地 址:____________ 邮码:____________ 电话:____________法定代表人:_______ 职务:____________ 国籍:____________乙 方:___________...



外贸高分求一份出口合同样板空白即可出口贸易合同范本: 销售合同(Sales Contract) 卖方(Sellers): 编号(No): 日期(Date): 买方(Buyers) 签约地点(Signed at): 兹经买卖双方同意,成交下列商品,订立条款如下: 1.The undersigned b...

进出口贸易合同范本有哪些国际贸易合同——买卖合同样本20____年___月___日__________________为卖方和___________________为买方。双方同意买卖________________,其条款如下: 1.合同货物:____________...


什么是一般贸易单边进出口的贸易是什么意思!一、一般贸易 是指中国境内有进出口经营权的企业单边进口或单边出口的贸易,按一般贸易交易方式进出口的货物即为一般贸易货物。一般贸易货物在进口时可以按一般进出口监管制...

进出口贸易就是对外贸易吗进出口贸易和国际贸易是同义词,国际贸易(International Trade)是指不同国家(和/或地区)之间的商品和劳务的交换活动。国际贸易是商品和劳务的国际转移。国际贸易也叫世界贸易。...
