
Making Appointments 约会

11月24日 编辑 39baobao.com


Key Sentences(重点句子)

181.Who shall I say is calling, please?


182. I'm sorry, Mr. Smith is in conference now.


183.Would you like to speak to someone else in the office?


184. I'd like to make an appointment to see Mr. Smith next week while I'm in Beijing.


185. I'll check Mr. Smith's diary and see if I can arrange an appointment for you.


186.Would that be convenient for you?


187.That suits me perfectly.


188.Would you like me to confirm the appointment?


189. I'll confirm your appointment as soon as possible.


190.Would you like to lee a message?


191. I wonder if he could see me early tomorrow morning.


192.Sorry, but he is fully booked up tomorrow morning.


193.Could I possibly make it in the afternoon?


194.I think I can manage that.


195.Our manager, Mr. Wang, wants me to let you know he's free next Monday.


196.We'lll be expecting you then.


197. It's about the appointment with our manager.


198.So you want to cancel the appointment.


199.Actually we just want to put it off until supper time.


200.We he also invited some of the government officials to be present at the dinner, so that you can find out something about the policies.


Dialogue A

(Miss Wu is answering the call from Mr. Black to make an appointment)

(A: Miss Wu; B: Mr. Black)

A: (The telephone is ringing. )Good morning. Managing Director's Office. Can I help you?

B: Yes. Could I speak to Mr. Smith, please?

A: Who shall I say is calling, please?

B: This is Did Black from Canton.

A: I'm sorry, Mr. Smith is in conference now, Mr. Black. Would you like to speak to someone else in the office?

B: Well, I'd like to make an appointment to see Mr. Smith next week while I'm in Beijing.

A: I'll check Mr. Smith's diary and see if I can arrange an appointment for you. Just a moment… Yes, Mr. Smith seems to he some time on Monday afternoon and Friday morning.

B: Could I make an appointment for Friday morning, please?

A: Let's make it nine o'clock Friday morning. Would that be convenient for you?

B: Yes, that suits me perfectly?

A: I'll make a note of that. Would you like me to confirm the appointment?

B: Yes, please. You can contact me any day at Canton 02085268888 extension 706.

A: Canton, 020-85268888 extension 706. I'll confirm your appointment as soon as possible, Mr. Black.

B: Thank you very much. Good-bye.

A: Good-bye.

Dialogue B

A: Marketing Manager's Office. Can I help you?

B: This is Did Smith speaking. I'd like to speak to Mr. Johnson, please.

A: Sorry, he's out.

B: What time do you expect him back?

A: I'm sorry, I've no idea. Would you like to lee a message?

B: I'd like to make an appointment with him. I wonder if he could see me early tomorrow morning. It's about the order of equipment.

A: Hold on, please. Let me check the diary.

B: All right.

A: Sorry, Mr. Smith, but he is fully booked up tomorrow morning.

B: Could I possibly make it in the afternoon?

A: Well, let me see… Oh, yes, I think I can manage that. How about two o'clock?

B: That would suit me better. Thank you.

A: You're wele.

Dialogue C

(Miss Yang is calling Mr. Brown to confirm the appointment. )

(A: Miss Yang;B: Mr. Brown)

A: Is Mr Brown in, please?

B: Speaking.

A: This is Mary Yang from Heping Arts and Crafts Factory.

B: Oh, Miss Yang, how are you?

A: Fine, thanks. Our manager, Mr. Wang, wants me to let you know he's free next Monday. He's expecting you at nine o'clock in the morning in his office.

B: 9 a. m. Monday. Fine, I'll be there.

A: We'll be expecting you then.

B: Thank you for calling.

A: You're wele. Good-bye.

B: Good-bye.

Dialogue D

(Miss Wang is calling Mr. Brown to put off an appointment. )

(A: Miss Wang; B: Mr. Brown)

A: Good morning. May I speak to Mr. Brown?

B: This is Brown speaking. Who's calling, please?

A: This is Wang Hua from Hero Pen Factory.

B: Oh, Miss Wang, what's happened?

A: It's about the appointment with our manager. I'm extremely sorry he can't see you at two o'clock this afternoon. You see, something unexpected has e up. He has to attend a very urgent meeting.

B: So you want to cancel the appointment. That's too bad.

A: No, not exactly. Actually we just want to put it off until supper time. After that we'll invite you to dinner.

B: Well, so much the better. Why didn't you mention it in the first place?

A: I only want to give you a surprise. We he also invited some of the government officials to be present at the dinner, so that you can find out something about the policies.

B: That's wonderful. Thank you very much for what you he done for us.

Notes 注释

1.Managing Director's office 经理办公室。

2.Could I speak to Mr. Smith, please?



May I speak to…?

I'd like to speak to…, please.

Is Mr. / Mrs. /Miss… there?


May I ask who is calling, please?


May I know who is that speaking?

或 Who shall I say is calling, please?

3.check the diary 查一下日程表

4.Let's make it nine o'clock Friday morning.


5.What time do you expect him back?


6.I'm sorry, I've no idea.


7.I think I can manage that.



如:She managed to acplish her work in time.


8.How about two o'clock?


9.That would suit me better.


10.Is Mr. Brown in, please?


11.He's expecting you at nine o'clock in the morning in his office.


12.Arts and Crafts Factory 工艺美术品厂

13.You see, something unexpected has e up.


14.He has to attend a very urgent meeting.


15. Why didn't you mention it in the first place?


16. give you a surprise给你一个惊喜

17. That's wonderful.

太好了。还可以说: That's great.

Words and Expressions

conference/'k&nf+r+ns/ n. 会议

appointment/+'p&intm+nt/ n. 约会

contact/'k&nt$kt/ n. 与……联系

expect/iks'pekt/ v. 期望,预料;等待

diary/'d#+ri/ n. 日志;日记

extremely/iks'tri: mli/ ad. 非常地

unexpected/')nikspektid/ a. 想不到的

urgent/'+: d{+nt/ a. 紧急的

mention/'menM+n/ v. 提到,提及

cancel/'k$ns+l/ v. 取消

official/+'fiM+l/ n. 官员

policy/'p&lisi/ n. 政策


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