

02月17日 编辑 39baobao.com


你好, 裁覚


Well, it tastes like tons of stones dropped on your tongue, making your tongue stiff ,and you'll wish you've never tried it. That is what we call it Pasta .

Pasta (Italian for "dough") is a generic term for Italian variants of noodles, food made from a dough of flour, water and/or eggs, that is boiled.

Pasta is made from a simple combination of flour and water. Pre-packaged speciality pasta often includes spices, cheese or added coloring from spinach, tomatoes or food dye.

Pasta is generally served with some type of sauce, and the sauce and the type of pasta is usually paired together based on consistency, ease of eating etc, much in the same way round buns are used for hamburgers and long buns are used for hotdogs in the US.


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