

03月21日 编辑 39baobao.com

[你自以为是的亮点其实是面试官眼中的雷点]面试时答非所问、漏洞百出、使用夸张的肢体语言都会令HR反感,除了这些,求职者还要注意以下五点,这也同样令HR难以接受。 1.形象超前卫、时尚 雷点:除了耳钉以外的各种人体穿孔艺...+阅读


Thank you for giving me the chance for this interview and it is my pleasure to introduce myself to you.

My name is xx. I e from Quanzhou, southeast of China. I majored in clinical medicine in fujian medical university. Now Im an intern in the xiamen zhongshan hospital affiliated in Fujian medical university.

During the 4 years in my university, I studied hard and strived for excellence. Fortunately, I gradually fall in love with clinical medicine and I am eager to get further education in a prestigious school. To achieve this goal, I made great efforts and successfully became the top student in my grade. I got a national scholarship when I was in sophomore year. Besides, I obtained scholarships for excellent student nearly every year. Moreover, I am proficient in English and passed CET 4 and 6.

As a matter of fact, Im not just a super-scholar. My teacher and friends always regard me as a versatile guy because i am glad to participate in all kinds of student club activity during my uni life, and he served as a volunteer for many events. I he been to a village in Guizhou, working as a volunteer teacher for about two months.

Im an honest, creative student with high sense of responsibility. After being an intern in the hospital and municating with patients closely, I realize that the career i he chosen is sacred and significant. so, during my life time, ill try my best to do some significant experiments and be an excellent doctor to rescue the death and heal the wounded.


Good morning/afternoon, professors. I am so excited and honored to be here. My name is xx ,from quanzhou and I am a 24-year-old student from Fujian Medical University. I will graduate in July this year and now

Im applying for Endocrinology and Metabolism for my postgraduate


During my five-years undergraduate study,I studied hard and spent most time on learning medical knowledge and practical clinical skills. Five years college education give me a lot of things to learn, a lot of chances to try, and a lot of practices to improve myself ,so I got the scholarship for many times, whats more i he also successfully passed CET-6. As a director of anization Department of the Students Union,i also paid much attention to learn how to work with my classmate and tried my best to promote my team-working ability.

with the development of china,there are more and more people get diabetes or coronary heart disease including my grandma .so i want to learn more about Endocrinology to help them.whats more i think the endocrine system is very interesting.only trace amounts of hormones may cause a huge effect.and more interesting is that hormones he many different functions and modes of action; And that is why I e here where I think I can realize myself.

That is all, I hope I can make a good performance today. And whether

I am admitted or not, I will continue devoting myself into this field.

Thank you very much.







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