

11月05日 编辑 39baobao.com


1. U-bolt ==>U形螺丝

2. u shape hanger chains ==>u形曲链片吊挂装置

3. u shaped manometer ==>u形压力计

4. ubitron ==>波动射束注入器

5. uhf ==>特高频

6. uhf band pass filter ==>特高频带通滤波器

7. uhf converter ==>特高频变频器

8. uhf preamplifier stage ==>特高频前置放大器

9. uhf tuner ==>特高频调谐器

10. uhf vision transmitter ==>特高频图象发射机

11. uhsi ==>超高速集成电路

12. UHV ==>超高真空,特高压

13. UHV AC system ==>特高压交流电力系统

14. UHV AC system planning ==>特高压交流电力系统规划

15. UHV AC transmission line ==>特高压交流输电线路

16. UHV DC control and protection system ==>特高压直流电力系统控制保护装置

17. UHV DC system ==>特高压直流电力系统

18. UHV DC system planning ==>特高压直流电力系统规划

19. UHV DC system technologies ==>特高压直流电力系统技术

20. UHV DC transmission line ==>特高压直流输电线路

21. UHV reactors ==>特高压交流系统电抗器

22. UHV series pensation ==>特高压交流系统变压器串补

23. UHV substation ==>特高压变电站

24. UHV surge arresters ==>特高压交流系统避雷器

25. UHV switchgears ==>特高压交流系统开关

26. UHV transformers ==>特高压变压器,特高压交流系统变压器

27. UHV transmission ==>特高压输电

28. UHV transmission line ==>特高压输电线路

29. UHV, Ultra high voltage ==>特高压

30. UHVAC ==>特高压交流系统

31. UHVDC ==>特高压直流系统

32. ujt ==>单结型晶体管

33. ULF, ultra low frequency ==>超低频

34. ulg ==>通用逻辑门

35. ulsi ==>超大规模集成化

36. ultimate pressure ==>极限压力

37. ultimate resolution ==>极限分辨力

38. ultraaudion ==>超三极管

39. ultrabroad band light modulator ==>超宽频带光调制器

40. ultraclean area ==>超净区域

41. ultrafilter ==>超细过滤器

42. ultrafine geometry ==>超精细几何形状

43. ultrafine resolution ==>超精细分辨力

44. ultrahigh frequency ==>特高频

45. ultrahigh speed integration ==>超高速集成电路

46. ultrahigh vacuum ==>超高真空

47. ultrahigh vacuum evaporation ==>超高真空蒸发

48. ultralarge scale integration ==>超大规模集成化

49. ultralow backstreaming ==>超低漏泄

50. ultralow noise microwe cryoelectronic system ==>超低噪声微波低温电子学系统

51. ultrapure photoresist ==>超高纯度光刻胶

52. ultrapure water ==>超纯水

53. ultrashort laser pulse ==>超短激光脉冲

54. ultrashort light pulse ==>超短光脉冲

55. ultrashort we transmitter ==>超短波发射机

56. ultrashort wes ==>超短波

57. ultrasonic bond ==>超声焊接

58. ultrasonic bonder ==>超声焊机

59. ultrasonic bonding ==>超声焊接

60. ultrasonic cleaner ==>超声清洗器

61. ultrasonic cleaning ==>超声清洗

62. ultrasonic etcher ==>超声腐蚀装置

63. ultrasonic frequency ==>超音频

64. ultrasonic holography ==>超声全息照相术

65. ultrasonic probe ==>超声波探针

66. ultrasonic seal ==>超声封接

67. ultrasonic soldering ==>超声焊

68. ultrasonic vapor degreaser ==>超声蒸汽去油机

69. ultrasonic we ==>超声波

70. ultrasonic wedge bonding ==>超声楔焊

71. ultrasonic welder ==>超声焊接机

72. ultrasonic welding ==>超声焊接

73. ultrasonic wire bonding ==>超声波线焊

74. ultrasonics ==>超声学

75. ultrasound ==>超声

76. ultrasound delay line ==>超声延迟线

77. ultrathin membrane ==>超薄膜

78. ultratrace impurity ==>超痕量杂质

79. ultraudion ==>超三极管

80. ultriolet exposure ==>紫外线曝光

81. ultriolet filter ==>紫外线滤光器

82. ultriolet laser ==>紫外激光器

83. ultriolet lithography ==>紫外线光刻

84. ultriolet ozone cleaning ==>紫外线臭氧清洗

85. ultriolet projection system ==>紫外投影装置

86. ultriolet radiation ==>紫外线

87. ultriolet resist ==>紫外线敏感光刻胶

88. ultriolet spectral range ==>紫外光谱范围

89. ultriolet spectrum ==>紫外光谱

90. ultriolet sterilizer ==>紫外线杀菌器

91. ultriolet transparency ==>紫外透迷

92. umbrella antenna ==>伞形天线

93. un-uniform pollution ==>不均匀污秽

94. unattended processing ==>无人处理

95. unattended system ==>无人监视系统

96. unbalance ==>不平衡

97. unblanking circuit ==>正程增辉电路

98. uncased ==>未罩外壳的

99. uncased ponent ==>无封装元件

100. uncertain region ==>不确定范围,不可辨区

101. uncertainty of measurement ==>测量的不确定度

102. uncertainty of principle ==>测不准原理

103. uncertainty of range ==>不确定范围

104. uncertainty of relation ==>不定关系

105. uncharacteristic harmonics ==>非特征谐波

106. unclad optical fiber ==>无包壳光纤

107. uncollimated rays ==>非准直光束

108. unpensated germanium ==>未补偿的锗

109. unconnected gate ==>独立门

110. uncontrolled multivibrator ==>非稳态多谐振荡器

111. uncooled photodetector ==>非冷却光电探测器

112. uncoupled lightguides ==>非耦合光波导

113. uncoupled mode ==>非耦合模式

114. undamped we ==>无衰耗波

115. underbunching ==>群聚不足

116. undercoat ==>底层

117. undercooling ==>过冷

118. undercut ==>坡口,钻蚀

119. undercut profile ==>钻蚀断面图

120. underdevelopment ==>显影不足

121. underetch ==>钻蚀

122. underflow ==>地流,潜流,下溢

123. underfrequency relay ==>低频继电器

124. underground antenna ==>地下天线

125. underground cable ==>地下电缆

126. underlayer ==>底层

127. undershoot ==>负尖峰

128. undervoltage blocking circuit ==>低电压闭锁回路

129. underwater antenna ==>水下天线

130. underwater television ==>水下电视

131. underwater visibility ==>水下可见度

132. undistorted image ==>无失真图象

133. undisto

rted picture ==>无失真图象

134. undistorted we ==>无失真波

135. undoped region ==>无掺杂区

136. undulater ==>波绞机

137. undulating light ==>脉动光

138. undulation effect ==>波动效应

139. undulator ==>波纹机

140. undulatory motion ==>波动

141. uneven surface ==>粗糙表面

142. unevenness ==>粗糙度

143. unexcited level ==>未激能级

144. unfilled level ==>未满能级

145. unflatness ==>非平滑性

146. uniaxial anisotropy ==>单轴各向异性

147. unidirectional aerial ==>单向天线

148. unidirectional antenna ==>单向天线

149. unidirectional microphone ==>单向传声器

150. unidirectional pulse ==>单向脉冲

151. unidirectional pulses ==>单向脉冲

152. unidirectional transmission ==>单向传输

153. uniform irradiation ==>均匀辐照

154. uniform lightguide ==>均匀光波导

155. uniform motion ==>等速运动规律

156. uniform weguide ==>均匀波导

157. uniformity ==>均匀性

158. uniformity of illumination ==>照鸣匀度

159. unijunction transistor ==>单结型晶体管

160. unilateral matching ==>单向匹配

161. unilateral optical track record ==>单向光学轨道记录

162. unilayer ==>单层

163. unimodal laser ==>单模激光器

164. unimolecular film ==>单分子膜

165. unimolecular layer ==>单分子层

166. unintelligibility ==>不清晰度

167. union ==>活接头,管节

168. unipolar fet ==>单极场效应晶体管

169. unipolar integrated circuit ==>单极型集成电路

170. unipolar technology ==>单极工艺

171. unipolar transistor ==>单极晶体管

172. uniray ==>通用阵列

173. unit ==>单位

174. unit automatic exchange ==>内部自动电话交换机

175. unit call ==>通话单位

176. unit cell ==>单元

177. unit control ==>单元控制

178. unit pulse signal ==>单位脉冲信号

179. unitary body ==>单块衬底

180. unity magnification projection unit ==>单位放大投影曝光装置

181. universal array ==>通用阵列

182. universal battery system ==>共电制

183. universal logic gate ==>通用逻辑门

184. universal receiver ==>交直两用接收机

185. universal synchronous asynchronous receiver transmitter ==>通用同步异步收发机

186. universal transmission function ==>通用透射函数

187. unleash ==>发挥,放开,解开...的皮带,解除...的束缚,解放,释放

188. unload ==>放电

189. unload cassette ==>卸载盒

190. unloadding spout vent fan ==>卸料口通风风机

191. unloaded antenna ==>无负载天线

192. unloaded pcb ==>无载印制电路板

193. unloading valve ==>卸载阀

194. unmasked region ==>无掩蔽区

195. unmodulated carrier ==>未调制载波

196. unmodulated light ==>未调制光

197. unpackaged chip ==>未封装芯片

198. unpolarized light ==>非偏振光

199. unpolarized luminescence ==>非偏振发光

200. unpolarized we ==>非偏振波

201. unpopulated pcb ==>无载印制电路板

202. unrestorable system ==>一次使用系统

203. unsaturated gain ==>不饱和增益

204. unsharp spectral line ==>模糊谱线

205. unsoldering ==>焊开

206. unstable blocking oscillator ==>不稳定间歇振荡器

207. unstable city ==>不稳定谐振器

208. unstable circuit ==>非稳定电路

209. unstable equilibrium ==>不稳定平衡

210. unstable resonator ==>不稳定谐振器

211. unsteady system ==>不稳定系统

212. unsupported ribbon growth ==>无支护带式晶体生长

213. unsystematic ==>无系统的

214. unsystematic engineering ==>无系统工程

215. untriggered spark gap ==>非触发式火花隙

216. untrimmed accuracy ==>未调节精度

217. untuned aerial ==>未调谐天线

218. untuned antenna ==>未调谐天线

219. up converter ==>向上变换器,向上变频器,增频变频器

220. up diffusion ==>再扩散

221. up integration ==>提高集成度

222. upconversion ==>增频变频

223. upconverter ==>上变频器,增频变频器

224. update ==>更新,刷新

225. update information ==>更新信息

226. updated version ==>更新方案

227. upper and lower limits ==>上下限

228. upper harmonics ==>高次谐波

229. upper laser level ==>上限激光电平

230. upper level lifetime ==>上能级寿命

231. upper sideband ==>上边带

232. uproar ==>喧嚣,大声吵闹,骚动

233. upstream shift ==>逆向位移

234. upw ==>超纯水

235. uranium ==>铀

236. uranium assay ==>铀含量

237. uranium carbide ==>碳化铀

238. uranium concentrate ==>铀精矿

239. uranium conversion plant ==>铀转化厂

240. uranium cycle ==>铀循环

241. uranium deuterium lattice ==>铀重水栅格

242. uranium dioxide ==>二氧化铀

243. uranium dioxide pellet ==>二氧化碳铀芯块

244. uraser ==>紫外激光器

245. urban and rural power supply and distribution work ==>城乡供配电电网

246. urban distribution work configuration ==>城市电网网架结构

247. urban railway system ==>城市轨道交通

248. urgent call ==>加急电活

249. urgent need equipment ==>急需设备

250. urgent telegram ==>紧急电报

251. urgtented need equipment ==>急需设备

252. usable sensitivity ==>可用灵敏度

253. usart ==>通用同步异步收发机

254. useful power ==>有效功率

255. user ==>用户

256. user programmable logic ==>用户可编程序逻辑

257. UT ultrasonic testing ==>超声波探伤

258. utilization factor ==>利用率

259. UTS ultimate tensible strength ==>极限抗拉强度

260. uv ==>紫外线

261. uv degradation ==>紫外线退化

262. uv detector ==>紫外检测器

263. uv emulsion ==>紫外线光敏乳胶

264. uv photoemission spectroscopy ==>紫外线光电发射光谱学

265. uv projection printing ==>紫外线投影曝光

266. uv proximity printer ==>紫外线接近式曝光装置





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