

11月05日 编辑 39baobao.com


1. e beam ==>电子束

2. e beam pattern gereration ==>电子束成象

3. e-cycling ==>电子垃圾回收

4. E early failue ==>早期失效

5. e jfet ==>增强型结式场效应晶体管

6. e mail ==>电子函政

7. e quivalent conductance ==>当量电导

8. E Waste ==>电子垃圾

9. EAM ==>企业资产管理系统

10. ear ==>线夹

11. early warning radar ==>远程警戒雷达

12. early warning station ==>远程警戒雷达

13. earom ==>电改写只读存储器

14. earphone ==>头带受话器耳机

15. earpiece ==>受话平顶盖

16. earth ==>接地

17. earth atmosphere ==>地球大气层

18. earth bar ==>接地棒

19. earth capacity ==>对地电容

20. earth circuit ==>大地电

21. earth clamp ==>地线夹

22. earth conductivity ==>大地电导率

23. earth conductor ==>接地导线

24. earth connection ==>接地

25. earth current ==>大地电流,泄地电流

26. earth current meter ==>大地电流表,泄地电流表

27. earth dam ==>土坝

28. earth detector ==>泄漏指示器,漏电检测器

29. earth electrode ==>接地电极

30. earth fault ==>接地故障

31. earth fault protection ==>接地保护装置

32. earth fault relay ==>接地故障继电器

33. earth image ==>地球图象

34. earth jack ==>接地插孔

35. earth lead ==>接地导线

36. earth leakage circuit breaker ==>漏电保护断路器

37. earth leakage current ==>漏地电流

38. earth leakage detector ==>接地漏电检示器

39. earth magic field ==>地磁场

40. earth magism ==>地磁

41. earth plate ==>接地板

42. earth plate resistance ==>接地板电阻

43. earth potential ==>地电位

44. earth pressure ==>地压

45. earth radiation ==>地球辐射

46. earth resistance ==>接地电阻,地电阻

47. earth resistance meter ==>接地电阻测量计,接地电阻表

48. earth resistor ==>接地电阻

49. earth return ==>大地回路

50. earth return circuit ==>地回路

51. earth return system ==>地回路方式

52. earth rod ==>接地棒

53. earth satellite ==>人造地球卫星

54. earth screen ==>接地屏蔽

55. earth shadow ==>地球影

56. earth station ==>地面无线站

57. earth terminal ==>接地端子

58. earth wire ==>架空地线

59. earth‘s surface ==>地球表面

60. earthed ==>接地的

61. earthed circuit ==>接地电路

62. earthed input ==>接地输出

63. earthed neutral ==>接地中线

64. earthed neutral system ==>接地中线系统

65. earthed voltage transformer ==>接地型电压互感器

66. earthenware conduit ==>陶瓷管道

67. earthenware duct ==>陶瓷管道

68. earthenware pipe ==>陶瓷管

69. earthing bus ==>接地母线

70. earthing conductor ==>接地导线

71. earthing contact ==>接地接点

72. earthing device ==>接地装置

73. earthing inductor ==>接地感应线圈

74. earthing resistance ==>接地电阻

75. earthing switch ==>接地开关

76. earthing system ==>接地网络

77. earthing terminal ==>接地端子

78. earthing transformer ==>接地变压器

79. earthquake ==>地震

80. earthquake accelaration ==>地震加速度

81. earthquake action ==>地震作用

82. earthquake analysis ==>地震分析

83. earthquake bracing ==>(立柱间)防震拉撑

84. earthquake center ==>震源

85. earthquake design criteria ==>地震设计准则

86. earthquake effect ==>地震影响

87. earthquake force ==>地震力

88. earthquake ground motion ==>地震地面运动

89. earthquake hazard ==>地震危害

90. earthquake intensity ==>地震烈度

91. earthquake loading ==>地震荷载

92. earthquake loads ==>地震载荷

93. earthquake magnitude ==>地震等级

94. earthquake motion ==>地震运动

95. earthquake-proof construction ==>抗震建筑

96. earthquake-proof site ==>抗震试验场

97. earthquake-proof type steel rack ==>防震型钢支架

98. earthquake-resistant ==>抗震的

99. earthquake-resistant design ==>抗震设计

100. earthquake-response spectrum ==>地震反应谱

101. earthquake shock ==>地震冲击

102. earthquake stress ==>地震应力

103. earthwork ==>土方工程

104. ease of ignition ==>易起燃性

105. eb ==>电子束

106. ebes ==>电子束曝光器

107. ebl ==>电子束蚀刻

108. ebonite ==>硬橡胶

109. ebonite plate ==>硬橡胶板

110. ebullition ==>沸腾

111. eccentric ==>偏心轮

112. eccentric load ==>偏心载荷

113. eccentric orifice plate ==>偏心孔板

114. eccentric position ==>偏心位置

115. eccentricity ==>偏心率

116. eccentricity of rotor ==>转子偏心距

117. eccles jordan circuit ==>厄克勒斯约但电路

118. echelon grating ==>阶梯光栅

119. echo ==>反射波,回波

120. echo attenuation ==>回声衰减

121. echo box ==>回波谐振器

122. echo check ==>返回检查

123. echo equalizer ==>回声抑制器

124. echo height ==>反射波高度

125. echo signal ==>回波信号

126. echo sounder ==>回声测深仪

127. echo sounding ==>回声探测

128. echo suppressor ==>回波抑制器

129. echo trap ==>回声抑制器

130. ECL slice ==>位片射极耦合逻辑微处理机

131. ECL, emitter coupled logic ==>发射极耦合逻辑,电流开关逻辑

132. eco-environmental influence ==>生态环境影响

133. ecobuoy ==>生态浮标

134. ecological ==>生态[学]的

135. ecological balance ==>生态平衡

136. ecological capacity ==>生态容量

137. ecological disaster ==>生态灾祸

138. ecological impact ==>生态影响,生态冲击

139. ecolyte ==>光解塑料(sùliào)

140. economic analysis ==>经济分析

141. economic control ==>经济控制

142. economic control theory ==>经济控制理论

143. economic current density ==>经济电流密度

144. economic cyberics ==>经济控制论

145. economic data ==>经济数据

146. economic decision ==>经济决策

147. economic dispatch ==>经济等

148. economic effectiveness ==>经济效益

149. economic environment ==>经济环境

150. economic evaluation ==>经济评价

151. economic forecast ==>经济预测

152. economic index ==>经济指数

153. economic indicator ==>经济指标

154. economic life ==>经济寿命

155. economic load dispatching ==>经济负荷等

156. economic model ==>经济模型

157. economic system model. ==>经济系统模型

158. economical current density ==>经济电流密度

159. economical loading ==>经济负载

160. economical operation ==>经济运行

161. economics of distribution work ==>配电网经济性

162. economizer ==>省煤器

163. economy ==>经济

164. Eddington, A.S.Eddington ==>1882-1944,英国科学家

165. eddy ==>涡流

166. eddy curent inspection instrument ==>涡流探伤仪

167. eddy current ==>涡流,傅科电流

168. eddy-current ==>同上

169. eddy current brake ==>涡流计动器

170. eddy current braking ==>涡流计动

171. eddy current circuit ==>涡流电路

172. eddy current damping ==>涡流阻尼

173. eddy current displacement vibration amplitude measuring instrument ==>电涡流式位移振幅测量仪

174. eddy current displacement vibration amplitude transducer ==>电涡注式位移振幅传感器

175. eddy current dynamometer ==>涡力率计

176. eddy current field ==>涡流

177. eddy current loss ==>涡流损失

178. eddy current loss factor ==>涡流损耗系数

179. eddy current motor ==>涡流电动机

180. eddy current testing method ==>涡流探伤法

181. eddy current thickness meter ==>电涡流厚流计

182. eddy current type transducer ==>涡流式传感器

183. eddy currents ==>涡流

184. eddy diffusion ==>涡流扩散

185. eddy velocity ==>涡动速度

186. EDF, Electric de France ==>法国电力公司

187. edge acuity ==>图像边缘清晰度

188. edge contact area ==>边缘接触面

189. edge definition ==>图像边缘清晰度

190. edge dislocation ==>边缘位错

191. edge effect ==>边缘效应

192. edge emission ==>边缘发射

193. edge fuzziness ==>图形边缘模糊

194. edge irregularity ==>边缘不规则性

195. edge notched card ==>边缘切口卡片

196. edge placement ==>边缘布置

197. edge position control ==>边缘位置控制

198. edge sharpness ==>图像边缘清晰度

199. edgewise winding ==>扁绕绕组

200. Edison accumulator ==>铁镍蓄电池

201. Edison effect ==>爱迪生效应

202. Edison screw cap ==>爱迪生灯泡头

203. Edison socket ==>螺口插座

204. Edison, T.H.Edison ==>1847-1931,爱迪生,美国发明家

205. edit mode ==>编辑模式

206. editelectron lens ==>电子透镜

207. EDM instrument ==>电磁波测距仪

208. edmos ==>增强型耗尽型模式金属氧化物半导体

209. education of automatics ==>自动化教学

210. EEG, electroence phalographic transducer[sensor] ==>脑电图传感器

211. eerom ==>电可擦只读存储器

212. ef ==>射极跟随器

213. effect ==>效应

214. effect of capacity ==>电容效应

215. effect of inductivity ==>感应率效应

216. effective ==>有效的

217. effective admittance ==>有效导纳

218. effective aperture ==>有效孔径

219. effective area ==>有效面积

220. effective call ==>有效呼叫

221. effective cross section ==>有效截面

222. effective current ==>有效电流

223. effective cut off frequency ==>有效截止频率

224. effective data transfer rate ==>有效数据传送率

225. effective diaphragm area ==>膜片有效面积

226. effective emissivity ==>有效发射率

227. effective energy ==>有效能量

228. effective excitaion force ==>有效激振力

229. effective half life ==>有效半衰期

230. effective head ==>净落差

231. effective height ==>有效高度

232. effective impedance ==>有效阻抗

233. effective inductance ==>有效电感

234. effective load ==>有效负载

235. effective magic field ==>有效磁场

236. effective mass ==>有效质量

237. effective mass of the moving element ==>运动部件有效质量

238. effective output ==>有效功率

239. effective path length ==>有效光程长度

240. effective payload ==>有效营业载荷

241. effective permeability ==>有效磁导率

242. effective power ==>有效功率

243. effective radiated power ==>有效发射功率

244. effective radiation exitance ==>有效辐(射)出(射)度

245. effective radius ==>有效半径

246. effective range ==>有效测量范围,有效范围,有效量限,测量范围

247. effective reactance ==>有效电抗

248. effective resistance ==>有效电阻

249. effective sound pressure ==>有效声压

250. effective steepness ==>有效陡度

251. effective target area ==>有效靶面积

252. effective value ==>均方根值

253. effective voltage ==>有效电压

254. effective welength ==>有效波长

255. effective work ==>有效功

256. effectiveness ==>有效性

257. effectiveness theory ==>效益理论

258. efficiency ==>效率

259. efficiency curve ==>效率曲线

260. efficiency test ==>效率试验

261. effluent ==>溢流

262. effluent activity meter ==>流出液[放射性]活度测量计

263. effluent bed volume ==>流出液床体积

264. effluent characteristics ==>出水质量

265. effluent control system ==>污水控制系统

266. effluent dilution ==>废水稀释

267. effluent disposal ==>废液处理

268. effluent farm ==>废水区

269. effluent fluid ==>流出流体

270. effluent fractioning ==>流出物的分馏

271. effluent gas ==>废气

272. effluent hopper ==>排水漏斗

273. effluent limitation guidelines ==>废物限制准则

274. effluent monitor ==>污水检测计

275. effluent oil recovery ==>污油回收

276. effluent oil treatment ==>污油处理

277. effluent seepage ==>渗出

278. effluent standard ==>排放标准,排污标准

279. effluent stream ==>流出气流

280. effluent treatment ==>废水处理

281. effluent weir ==>出水堰

282. efflux viseter ==>流出式粘度计

283. efl ==>射极跟随逻辑

284. egg insulator ==>蛋形绝缘子

285. egoless programming ==>无私程序设计

286. EH&S, Environment,Health and Safety ==>环境,健康和安全

287. EI CI source ==>电子轰击—化学电离源

288. EI source, electron impact ion source ==>电子轰击离子源

289. EID, electron impact desorption ==>电子轰击解吸

290. eigen frequency ==>本征频率

291. eigenfunction ==>本征函数

292. eigenvalue ==>本征值

293. eigenvalue analysis ==>本征值分析

294. eigenvector ==>本征矢量,固有向量

295. Einstein relation ==>爱因斯坦关系式

296. Einstein, A.Einstein ==>1879-1955,爱因斯坦,物理学家

297. ejected electron ==>放出电子

298. ejection ==>抽出

299. ejector ==>喷射器,喷射泵

300. ejector pump ==>喷射泵

301. Ekman current meter ==>厄克曼海流计

302. el ==>电子束蚀刻

303. elastance ==>倒电容

304. elastic after effect ==>弹性后效

305. elastic background ==>弹性元件

306. elastic collision ==>弹性碰撞

307. elastic control ==>弹性控制

308. elastic deformation ==>弹性变形

309. elastic feedback ==>弹性反馈

310. elastic feedback controller ==>弹性反馈控制器

311. elastic limit ==>弹性极限

312. elastic modulus ==>弹性模数

313. elastic scatter ==>弹性散射

314. elastic scattering ==>弹性散射

315. elastic surface we device ==>弹性表面波装置

316. elastic system ==>弹性系统

317. elasticity ==>弹性

318. elastomer diaphragm ==>橡胶膜片

319. elbow ==>弯管

320. electo hydraulic servocontrolled fatigue testing machine ==>电液伺服疲劳试验机

321. electret microphone ==>驻极体传声器

322. electric ==>电的

323. electric actuator ==>电动执行机构

324. electric alarm ==>电警报

325. electric apparatus ==>电气装置

326. electric appliance ==>电气设备

327. electric arc ==>电弧

328. electric arc furnace ==>电弧炉

329. electric balance ==>电力秤,电平衡

330. electric bell ==>电铃

331. electric blanket ==>电毯

332. electric bleaching ==>电漂白

333. electric boiler ==>电热锅炉

334. electric brake ==>电力制动器

335. electric braking ==>电气制动

336. electric brazing ==>电热铜焊

337. electric bread toaster ==>电气烘面包炉

338. electric breakdown ==>电破坏

339. electric brooder ==>电热式育雏器

340. electric bus ==>电动公共汽车

341. electric calorimeter ==>电气量热器

342. electric capacity ==>电容

343. electric car ==>电车,电动汽车

344. electric charge ==>电荷

345. electric charge surface density ==>电荷表面密度

346. electric charge time constant ==>充电时间常数

347. electric charge volume density ==>电荷体密度

348. electric chronograph ==>电动记时器

349. electric circuit ==>电路

350. electric clock ==>电钟

351. electric conduction ==>电气传导

352. electric conductivity ==>电导率

353. electric conductor ==>导体

354. electric contact ==>电接点

355. electric contact liquid in glass thermometer ==>电接点玻璃温度计

356. electric contact set ==>电接点装置

357. electric control ==>电力控制,电动控制

358. electric controller ==>电动控制器

359. electric crane ==>电动起重机

360. electric current ==>电流

361. electric current density ==>电流密度

362. electric current transducer[sensor] ==>电流传感器

363. electric depth sounder ==>电气测深仪

364. electric detonator ==>电气雷管

365. electric dipole ==>电偶极子

366. electric dipole moment ==>电偶极子转矩

367. electric disaster prevention and economic operation ==>电力大系统灾变防治和经济运行的研究

368. electric discharge lamp ==>放电灯

369. electric discharge machining ==>电火花加工

370. electric discharge time constant ==>放电时间常数

371. electric displacement ==>电位移

372. electric double layer ==>电偶层

373. electric doublet ==>电偶极子

374. electric drier ==>电气干燥机

375. electric drill ==>电钻

376. electric drive ==>电力传动

377. electric driver ==>电驱动装置

378. electric drying machine ==>电力干燥器

379. electric dynamometer ==>电气功率计

380. electric energy ==>电能

381. electric erosion machining ==>电蚀加工

382. electric exploration ==>电探矿

383. electric eye ==>光电池

384. electric fan ==>电扇

385. electric fathometer ==>电测深计

386. electric feed water pump ==>电动给水泵

387. electric field ==>电场

388. electric field controller ==>电场控制仪

389. electric field effect ==>电场效应

390. electric field energy ==>电场能

391. electric field gradient ==>电场梯度

392. electric field intensity ==>电场强度

393. electric field strength ==>电场强度

394. electric field strength transducer[sensor] ==>电场强度传感器

395. electric field vector ==>电场矢量

396. electric filter ==>电滤波器

397. electric firing ==>电引火

398. electric floor polisher ==>电动地板打蜡机

399. electric flow meter ==>电量计

400. electric flux ==>电通量

401. electric flux density ==>电通密度,电位移

402. electric focusing ==>电聚焦

403. electric force ==>电力

404. electric furnace ==>电炉

405. electric gyropass ==>电气回转罗盘

406. electric hair clipper ==>电气剪发器

407. electric hardening ==>电热淬火

408. electric harmonic analyzer ==>电谐波分析器

409. electric heater ==>电热器

410. electric heating ==>电热

411. electric heating apparatus ==>电热机器

412. electric heating appliance ==>电热机器

413. electric hoist ==>电动起重机

414. electric hooter ==>电笛

415. electric hot plate ==>电热板

416. electric hydraulic converter ==>电—液转换器

417. electric image ==>电象

418. electric incubator ==>电孵化器

419. electric induction ==>电感应

420. electric iron ==>电熨斗

421. electric lamp ==>电灯泡

422. electric li ion battery car ==>锂离子电池电动汽车

423. electric lighter ==>电引燃器

424. electric lighting ==>电气照明

425. electric line ==>输配电线路

426. electric line of force ==>电力线

427. electric load ==>电负载

428. electric loader ==>电动装载机

429. electric lock ==>电锁

430. electric locking ==>电气锁闭

431. electric lootive ==>电机车

432. electric logger ==>电测井仪器

433. electric machine ==>电机

434. electric machine industry ==>电机工业

435. electric measurement technique of strain gauge ==>应变计电测技术

436. electric melting ==>电熔

437. electric meter ==>电表

438. electric moment ==>电矩

439. electric motor ==>电动机

440. electric motorcar ==>电动车

441. electric omnibus ==>电动公共汽车

442. electric operation ==>电运转

443. electric operationg station ==>电动操作器

444. electric an ==>电子琴

445. electric oscillation ==>电振荡

446. electric osmosis ==>电渗透

447. electric oven ==>电炉

448. electric ploghing ==>电力耕种

449. electric pneumatic converter ==>位置发送器

450. electric polarization ==>电极化

451. electric potential ==>电位

452. electric power ==>电功率

453. electric power delivery ==>电力传输

454. electric power fitting ==>电力金具

455. electric power industry ==>电力工业

456. electric power supply ==>电力供应

457. electric power system ==>电力系统

458. electric power telemunication ==>电力通信网

459. electric precipitation ==>电气集尘

460. electric pressure gage ==>电气压力计

461. electric probe ==>电探针

462. electric prospecting ==>电探矿

463. electric pump ==>电动泵

464. electric quantity transducer[sensor] ==>电学量传感器

465. electric radiant heater ==>辐射电热器

466. electric radiator ==>电气散热器

467. electric railroad ==>电气铁路

468. electric railway ==>电气铁路

469. electric range ==>电灶

470. electric rate ==>电费率

471. electric rate schedule ==>电费规定

472. electric refrigerator ==>电冰箱

473. electric regenerative braking ==>电力再生制动

474. electric remote control ==>电气遥控

475. electric residue ==>剩余电荷

476. electric resistance ==>电阻

477. electric resistance and dielectric constant measuring unit ==>电阻—静电容量测量仪

478. electric resistance furnace ==>电阻炉

479. electric resonance ==>电共振

480. electric rock drill ==>电动钻岩机

481. electric saw ==>电锯

482. electric screen ==>电屏

483. electric sher ==>电动剃刀

484. electric shielding ==>电屏蔽

485. electric ship propulsion ==>电船推进

486. electric shock ==>电击触电

487. electric signal ==>电信号

488. electric siren ==>电笛

489. electric sleep ==>电灵醉

490. electric smelting ==>电冶炼

491. electric smelting furnace ==>电熔炼炉

492. elec



电气及半导体词汇词典U1. U-bolt ==>U形螺丝2. u shape hanger chains ==>u形曲链片吊挂装置3. u shaped manometer ==>u形压力计4. ubitron ==>波动射束注入器5. uhf ==>特高频6. uhf band...




电气及半导体词汇词典M11. m n contours ==>mn轨迹 2. m type backward we tube ==>m型返波振荡管 3. m type tube ==>m型电子管 4. m type twt ==>m型行波管 5. Mach angle ==>马赫角 6. Mach con...

专有名称翻译大词典名片英语大络版1.英语姓名结构 英语姓名的一般结构为:教名+自取名(中名)+姓。如 Gee Walker Bush (中译:乔治o沃克o布什)。 Gee 是教名(Given Name),按照英语民族的习俗,一般在婴儿接受洗礼的时候...

“无聊”新表达Meh进入词典'Meh': new word for indifference enters English dictionary "Meh", a word which indicates a lack of interest or enthusiasm, became the latest addition to the Col...

半导体激光耳腔内照射治疗外耳道湿疹疗效观察[摘 要] 目的:观察半导体激光耳腔内照射治疗外耳道湿疹的效果。方法:外耳道湿疹患者25例,30耳,均为经耳科常规药物治疗效果不佳者。给予波长650 nm半导体激光耳腔内照射,输出功率20...
