
another brick in the wall翻译

02月16日 编辑 39baobao.com

[来个翻译 。。]I am honored very much can make this to introduce oneself. I call yellow glistening, this year 16 years old, graduate from the yellow dwelling middle school. Bu...+阅读

You Yes You Stand Still Laddie!你,对就是你,站着别动女士!When we grew up and went to school当我们长大,上学去的时候there were certain teachers who would hurt the children anyway they could依然有某些教师用尽各种办法伤害孩子们by pouring their derision upon anything we did对我们做的任何事,他们予以嘲弄exposing any weakness however carefully hidden by the kids孩子们无论怎样小心的掩藏的弱点,他们予以揭露Out in the middle of nowhere they were home at night到了晚上他们在家里,在任何地方their fat and psychopathic wivesWould thrash them within inches of their lives!他们肥胖的精神病妻子们, 会在他们生命的每一尺内鞭打着他们!ooooooooooooo oooooooo ooooooooooo ooooooooo ooooooooo ooooooooo oooo We don't need no education我们不需要不教育(或者非教育之类的..就说学校教育不好)We don t need no thought control我们不需要没有思想的控制No dark sarcasm in the classroom不要教室里黑暗的讽刺Teachers leave them kids alone老师们都离孩子们远远的Hey! Teacher! Leave them kids alone!嘿!老师!离那些孩子们远点!All in all it's just another brick in the wall 总之那只是墙上的另一块砖All in all you're just another brick in the wall 总之你只是墙上的另一块砖头!(A bunch of kids singing) We don't need no education(一群孩子唱)我们不需要非教育(意思也可以使我们需要教育)We don t need no thought control我们需要控制思想No dark sarcasm in the classroom不要教室里黑暗的讽刺Teachers leave them kids alone老师们离那些孩子们远远的Hey! Teacher! Leave us kids alone!嘿!老师!离那些孩子远点!All in all it's just another brick in the wall 总之那只是墙上的另一块砖All in all you're just another brick in the wall 总之你只是墙上的另一块砖头!Spoken (说道)Wrong Guess again!又猜错了!Wrong Guess again!又猜错了!If you don't eat yer meat you can't have any pudding 如果你不吃你的肉你就不能吃布丁!How can you have any pudding if you don't eat yer meat不把你的肉吃掉,你怎么能吃布丁! You! Yes you behind the bikesheds stand still laddie! 你!就是你,站在那别动,遮雨棚后面的女士!Sound of many TV's coming on all on different channels不同电视频道的声音传来The Bulls are already out there 警察就在外面Pink Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrgh! (爆裂及尖叫声)This Roman Meal bakery thought you'd like to know 这罗马玉米粉烤面包,相信你愿意尝尝貌似是一首骂老师的歌~~意思大体上就是这样没错..bull俚语解释成警察..



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