

02月16日 编辑 39baobao.com

[高三英语怎样备考]老师,你好,我现在是名大二的学生,也是从那时候走过来的,作为学生,我觉得自己的看法可能对您有所帮助哈。 首先,高三了,压力肯定是有的,毕竟家长方面的要求不低啊。 其次,就是在所有科...+阅读

11,How I should protect oneself, is the patient infected with by pig's influenza infected with? Protect oneself, can adopt the measure of the general prevention influenza: ? Avoid and keep in close touch uncomfortable symptom, the fever and person coughing. ? Often and completely use the soap and water washing hand. ? Form the good hygienic habit, including sufficient sleep, eat the nutritious food, insist on physical training. If there are patients in the family: ? A room alone trying to be offered to patient in the house. If can not make this, let the patient and other people keep the distance between 1 meter at least. ? Seal shutting up and nose while looking after patients. Can buy mask that sell or use, handle or appropriate ready-made material of treatment go on, make. ? Contact with the patient each time, wash hands completely with water and soap. ? Try to improve the circulation of the patient air in the residence. Utilize the doors and windows through the door,window,utilize wind. ? Keep the clean environment, offer a cleanser to the house at any time. 12,If I think I suffer from pig's influenza how to do? If you feel uncomfortable, have a high fever, cough and/or have a sore throat: ?Stay at home as much as possible, keep away from and go to work, going to school or crowd. ?Have a rest,drink enough liquid. ?While coughing and sneezing, cover shutting up and nose with the disposable napkin,and deal with the napkin used suitably. ?Often wash hands completely with the soap and water, especially while coughing or sneezing. ?Inform family and friend of an ill situation, seek others'help,going on and other persons such as contact of the shopping. If you need medical care: ?Contact your doctor or health care provider, then go to go to a doctor, report your symptom. Explain why you think you have pig's influenza (for example, go to a country recently, there is pig's influenza that break out among the crowds). Treat according to the suggestion that he offers. ? If is unable to communicate with your medical treatment and health care supplier ahead of time, go to the health institution to communicate at once, explain you to suffering from changing the clothing of pig's influenza. ? Pay attention to covering during travel with nose and mouth


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