

12月01日 编辑 39baobao.com


从表面上看,中国东航(China Eastern Airlines)股东周二否决新加坡航空(Singapore Airlines)收购东航24%股权的报价,似乎标志着中国企业文化的一个转折点,以及市场力量的胜利。

On the surface, Tuesday’s rejection of Singapore Airlines’ bid to take a 24 per cent stake in China Eastern Airlines appears to mark a turning point for Chinese corporate culture and a triumph of market forces.

但周二的投票,与其说是小股东前所未有地拒绝一宗似乎得到国家全力支持交易的例证,不如说是反映出在国内竞争对手中国国航(Air China)不屈不挠的努力下和东航股价飙升后,权力走廊里出现了变化。

But rather than an unprecedented example of small investors rejecting a deal that appeared to he the full backing of the state, Tuesday’s vote is more likely to reflect a reversal in the corridors of power following an unrelenting campaign by domestic rival Air China and a surge in CEA’s share price.


Minority investors, most of them large fund managers, were emboldened by vocal opposition to the deal from China National Aviation Corp, Air China’s parent pany, which promised last week to launch its own higher bid for CEA if SIA’s offer was rejected.


The fact that Air China’s parent was allowed to voice any opposition at all was proof enough to many investors that senior government officials had changed their minds about the deal. The shift was seen as a either a move to try to force the Singaporeans to e up with more cash or a possible change in strategy for the airline industry that would allow two of the country’s big three airlines to merge.


“The approval for the deal was given many months ago and the central government is clearly no longer happy with the terms,” according to a banker familiar with the situation. “Nationalist sentiment is very strong in China now and the huge gap between SIA’s offer and the market price means top officials can’t accept it and so ge Air China the green light to block it.”


The sale of state assets to foreigners is a delicate issue for the Chinese government and with CEA’s Hong Kong-listed share price nearly double SIA’s offer and its Shanghai shares trading nearly six times higher, the deal was facing stiff opposition.


The view that the government has decided to change its strategy for overhauling the airline industry was given credence when former CNAC and Air China chairman Li Jiaxiang was promoted to head the General Administration of Civil Aviation of China (CAAC), the Chinese iation regulator, less than two weeks ago.

投资银行里昂证券(CLSA)的航空业分析师刘世君(Adrian Lowe)表示:“尽管其前任更赞同引入更大的竞争,但众所周知,李家祥是中国航空业整合的支持者。”

“Whereas his predecessor was more in four of greater petition, Mr Li is well known as a supporter of consolidation in the Chinese airline industry,” said Adrian Lowe, an iation analyst at CLSA, an investment bank.


Mr Li has publicly put forward a proposal to create a Chinese “super-carrier” that can pete with foreign airlines such as SIA.


Air China and CEA are both majority owned by the Chinese government through parent panies which are in turn 100 per cent-owned by the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration mission (SASAC).


In a sign that opposition to the SIA bid was not unanimous within the government, an executive at one large CEA shareholder said SASAC had been applying pressure on some minority shareholders not to oppose the SIA investment, but CNAC had been sent a conflicting message and in the end many large shareholders had decided to abstain from the vote so as not to offend any party.


CEA held three shareholder meetings on Tuesday in Shanghai – one for holders of Hong Kong-listed H shares, one for holders of Shanghai-listed A shares and one for holders of both – which each required two-thirds of the minority shares represented on the day to approve the deal.


CNAC holds 12 per cent of CEA’s Hong Kong-listed shares and thanks to very low turnout at that meeting its vote against the deal made up more than a third of the shares represented on the day, allowing it to block the deal single-handedly.


While the shareholders’ meetings were not quite the democratic exercise they might appear at first glance, the event was still progress for Chinese corporate culture, which now has the appearance of market- orientated procedures.


In the meeting for holders of Shanghai-listed A-shares at least 50 individual investors showed up and the proceedings were lively and occasionally boisterous.


SIA said on Tuesday that it “will continue to support the building of a relationship with China Eastern” but analysts say it will be hard for SIA to e up with a counter-bid quickly, given the difficulties it had in convincing shareholders to agree to pay HK$3.80 a share and the fact that Air China has said it will offer a minimum of HK$5 a share.




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