[关于教师节的慰问信谁有哈]教师节慰问信 敬爱的老师们: 你们好! 丹桂飘香,秋菊溢彩,一年一度的教师节在这硕果累累的金秋中悄然而至。值此喜庆之日,向辛勤耕耘在工作岗位上的你们致以节日的祝贺和亲切的慰...+阅读
Dear Tom I am sorry to hear that you are not feeling very well these days. I am very worried about you. But you know I am in charge of an very important program, I do not have enough time to come to see you . I am very sorry. As soon as I get some spare time ,I will come soon. Take care of yourself!Yours secerelySophia
慰问信咋写?只要格式!亲爱的朋友 你好! 前几天你们哪里发生了7.8级强烈地震,使一些学校的校舍遭到严重损害,甚至有的学校瞬间变成了一片废墟,再也看不到你们当中一些小朋友的音容笑貌和一些可亲可敬...
给世博会的志愿者写一封慰问信慰问信呀,差不多一样的。那些客气话一股脑说完了就可以咯。个你一分西部志愿者的慰问信,你改成世博志愿者就可以啦!亲爱的同学们,青年志愿者朋友们: 在2006年新春佳节即将到来之...
英文慰问信怎么写什么格式Dear *; I was sorry to hear that you got hurt in a sudden traffic accident.How are you now?Are you getting any better? I guess you must be very sad now.you must...
如何用英文给好友写写慰问信Dear [John]: I am extremely sorry to hear that your illness, which we had thought was clearing up, has become more serious, and that your have had to go into ho...
谁能帮忙写封英文慰问信Dear Bob, Since I heard that you were sick and in hospital, I have been very worried. How are you feeling now? Are you doing any better? I hope I can visit you...
用英文写慰问信The disaster area children: How are you, I am a high school student. May 12 Wenchuan the earthquake disaster has brought you, your home has become a ruin, I was...
如何写英文慰问信Letters of consolation DearXXX: Travel time, living in your house, and can get you a warm hospitality and help, I feel especially happiness and play are particu...
英语慰问信怎么写才好MIKe听说Bob因病住院了,他认为Bob应该查出病因。他希望Bob看到他信时已经好多了,并祝他很快痊愈。以MIKe的名义给BOb写封慰问信 Dear Bob, I am very sorry to hear that you...
求助!帮忙写一封慰问信内容摘要: 凯歌辞旧岁,瑞雪迎新年。值此新春佳节来临之际,我谨代表企管部并以我个人的名义向您表示亲切地问候和良好的祝愿!衷心祝您节日快乐!万事如意! 你们经受了各种考验,克服重...