

02月09日 编辑 39baobao.com

[急!英语翻译关于面试]Hello(Good morning /afternoon这样说比较好)! every Judges(ladies Gentlemen/everyone)!i'm so glad to being here for this interview,i wanna have an opportunity to h...+阅读

Everywhere for hospital pay.Queue up to register.Then feel dizziness.The hospital diagnosis.Day female spread flower.The charge of the medicine.To see the flower in the mist.Can't cure for a long time.And lost the all medicine's expenses.




机械类英语翻译1.parts将不受外国碎片、油、脂、毛刺和锐利的边缘。 2.metric每asme y14.5m-1994尺寸和公差。 3。△这符号表示,这些特征将要求request.统计文件在本文档必须展示统计的能力...

求金融英语翻译Many different commodities were once used as money in history. While in the evolution of money precious metals such as gold and silver were finally chosen. They...

金融英语翻译楼上的都基本正确,还不太完美呵 我认为是: 大多数场内期权交易所中使用美式期权。 (这样调换了主语是为了符合汉语习惯,不过如果原上下文是排比句式或比较的语气的话,也可以直接...

求金融英语翻译1.证券市场 stock market2.套期保值 hedging 3.heights--楼主给1.和2.的翻译是正确的,无需修正.证券市场可称stock market 或security market,无需质疑.--hedging 已含for val...

confront英语翻译及物动词 vt. 1. 迎面遇到;面临;遭遇 The soldiers were confronted by two terrorists as they left their camp. 士兵们离开营房时,迎面遇到两个恐怖分子。 2. 勇敢地面对;正...

护航的英文护航的翻译怎么用英语翻译护航护航 escort 护航[hù háng] escort; convoy 汉英大词典 escort; convoy: 总统座机由五架战斗机护航。 The president's plane was convoyed by five jet fighters. 中中释...

专硕英语翻译怎么考211翻译硕士英语(100分) 【考核内容】完形填空、改错、句子重述、文本缩写、命题作文 该科目考查考生是否符合MTI学习要求的英语水平,难度为专业八级。试题形式分为完形填空、...

几个商务专有名词的英语翻译Beijing China Mobile Communications Group Limited indoor distribution system custom projects, China Mobile Communications Group Ltd. in Tangshan, Hebei branch i...
