

10月25日 编辑 39baobao.com

[有关货币的金融英语]金融英语:货币和外汇currency and exchange货币和外汇currency is money issued by governments and central banks throughout the world. an exchange rate is the rate...+阅读

bilateral and multilateral economic cooperation 双边和多边经济合作

bilateral trade 双边贸易

dual nationality 双重国籍

trusteeship 托管制度

outer space 外层空间

sole legal government 合法政府

loans with no or low interest 无息和低息贷款

colonialism and neo-colonialism 新老殖民主义

delayed repayment of capital and interest 延期还本付息

extradition 引渡

Zionism 犹太复国主义

friendly exchanges 友好往来

disputed areas 有争议的地区

fishery resources 渔业资源

political offender 政治犯

political fugitive 政治逃犯

Middle East, Mideast 中东

neutral state, neutral country 中立国

neutralized state 永久中立国

apartheid, racial segregation 种族隔离

genocide 种族灭绝

sovereign state 主权国家

exclusive economic zone 专属经济区

suzerain state, metropolitan state 宗主国

suzerainty 宗主权

to maintain neutrality 保持中立

to safeguard national sovereignty and national resources 保卫国家主权和民族资源

to take concerted steps 采取协调行动

to undertake obligations in respect of the nuclear-free zone 对无核区承担义务

to develop rel

ations of peace and friendship, equality and mutual benefit, and prolonged stability 发展和平友好、平等互利、长期稳定的关系

to develop the national economy 发展民族经济

to peddle munitions 贩卖军火

All countries, big or small, should be equal. 国家不分大小,应该一律平等

to establish normal state relations 建立正常的国家关系

to seek a fair and reasonable solution 求得公平合理的解决

to make up for each other's deficiencies 取长补短

to negotiate through diplomatic channels 通过外交途径进行谈判

to safeguard national independence and the integrity of sovereignty


to safeguard world peace 维护世界和平

to solve disputes by peaceful means 用和平手段解决争端

in consideration of the actual conditions 照顾现实情况

the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence 和平共处五项原则

mutual respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity


mutual non-aggression 互不侵犯

non-interference in each other's internal affairs 互不干涉内政

equality and mutual benefit 平等互利

peaceful coexistence 和平共处


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