

03月27日 编辑 39baobao.com

[有关货币的金融英语]金融英语:货币和外汇currency and exchange货币和外汇currency is money issued by governments and central banks throughout the world. an exchange rate is the rate...+阅读


investment banking投资银行业务

investment banking describes the activities of a firm conducted when serving as an intermediary between an issuer of securities and the investing public.

most of these activities are related to what is called underwriting whereby an investment bank mits to buy the new issue shares of a pany for resale to

the investing public. the majority of investment banks also maintain brokerage and trading operations for institutional and retail clients. as an investment bank,

a pany can use one of several agreements when assisting a pany going through the process of issuing shares to the public. investment banks will usually

undertake one of the following arrangements when assisting a pany in the issuance of shares: firm mitment, best efforts, or all or none. not all of these

methods guarantee that the initial public offering of stock will be successful.



financial statements财务报告

a financial statement is a written record of the financial condition of a pany for its fiscal year. it consists of a balance sheet and an ine statement

(also called a profit and loss statement or pl). a balance sheet is a snapshot of the financial affairs of a pany at a given point in time, unlike a pl which

shows the results of operations over a period of time. it lists the assets of the pany on the left side and liabilities on the right side. when a pany is solvent

its assets exceed its liabilities, and that figure, called the worth of the pany, also appears on the right side of a balance sheet. the basic ponents of a

pl statement are money received from sales and other sources along with the amount paid out for expenses, taxes, and other costs. the difference between the

two is called the bottom line. if there is more ine than expense, the bottom line is profit, if not, there is a loss.


它包括资产负债表和收益表(也被称作损益表)。资产负债表是对公司在某一特定时刻上财务的大体状况,而损益表展示了公司在一段时间内的运营成果。资产负债表的左侧列出公司的资产,右侧为负债。当公司的资产大于负债则具备偿债能力,两者的差额称作公司净值,也被列在资产负债表的右侧。损益表的基础组成部分是已到货款和其他收益并带有付出的费用,税金和其他成本。两者的区别被 称作底线.如果收益大于费用,底线是利润,如果相反,那就是亏损。


types of panies公司类型

a pany is an anization which operates a business in one of these forms: a business which is owned by a single individual who is entitled to all of the profits

and assumes all liabilities of the business is called a sole proprietorship. when two or more parties share the profits and liabilities of a pany it is called a

partnership. partnerships usually are limited partnerships in which a managing partner runs the day-to-

day business while the limited partners are not involved in management decisions and enjoy limited liability. sole proprietorships and partnerships usually

adopt a pany name known as a dba or doing business as that pany name. as business grows, the principals might want to apply for a corporate charter.

the corporation formed in this process is considered to be a separate individual by law and usually provides certain tax relief, expense deductions, and liability

protection to the principals involved. corporations may be privately or publicly owned.



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