

03月27日 编辑 39baobao.com

[创造更适合我们班级孩子的“学讲”英语课]李涛涛 ],自从徐州市推进 学讲计划 以来,一直在努力探索 学讲 之路,在这个过程中,经历了很多困难和挫折,但也意外收获了许多。学讲 课堂重视的是学生自己真实的学习的发生,所以学...+阅读


Cost accounting systems provide timely unit product costs through the use of perpetual inventory procedures and predetermined factory overhead rates. To introduce the basic ideas of cost accounting system, we present a simplified illustration to show the flow of product costs as follows:


Acquisition of Materials:Materials inventory account rather than purchases account will be debited under a perpetual inventory system. Both raw materials and factory supplies are included in the inventory account. Materials ledger cards for each type of material or factory supply used make up the subsidiary record.(All figures are assumed)


(1) Materials Inventory 1,000

Accounts Payable 1,000

(1)材料盘存 1,000

应付账款 1,000

Recording Factory Payroll:The total factory payroll includes both direct and indirect labor. 工厂工薪的记录:工厂工薪总额中包括直接人工和间接人工。

(2)Factory Payroll 6,000

Factory Payroll Payable 6,000 (2)工厂工薪 6,000

应付工厂工薪 6,000

Recording Other Factory Costs as Overhead:Various items other than materials and labor costs are charged to Factory Overhead account.


(3) Factory Overhead 800

Accumulated Depreciation 200

Prepaid Insurance 150

Accrued Utilities Payable 100

Various Accounts 350 (3)制造费用 800

累计折旧 200

预付保险费 150


其他各账户 350

At this point, all product costs he been accumulated into debit balances in the Materials Inventory, Factory Payroll, and Factory Overhead account. We are now ready to trace these costs through Work in Process and Finished Goods to the Cost of Goods Sold account.


Recording Requisitions of Raw Materials and Factory Supplies:This entry reflects the requisition (evidenced by the material requisitions) of all materials to be used in production. Raw materials(or direct materials) are charged directly to the Work in Process account. Costs of factory supplies(or indirect materials) bee part of factory overhead.


(4) Work in Process 600

Factory Overhead 200

Materials Inventory 800 (4)在制品 600

制造费用 200

材料盘存 800

Recording Distribution of Factory Payroll:Work in Process is debited for the direct labor and Factory Overhead is debited for the indirect labor. The total factory payroll is distributed, leing a zero balance in the Factory Payroll account. The division of total factory payroll into direct and indirect labor is based on a detailed analysis of the job deion, wage rates and hours worked of each employee (evidenced by such documents as the time tickets).


(5) Work in Process 500

Factory overhead 100

Factory payroll 600 (5)在制品 500

制造费用 100

工厂工薪 600

Recording Application of Factory Overhead:Most firms do not apply the actual amount of overhead incurred each period to the goods manufactured during that period. Instead, overhead is applied at erage rates that reflect estimates of total annual production volume and total overhead costs for the year. Predetermined overhead rates are puted by estimating the ing years total factory overhead cost and dividing it by an estimate of some unit of activity (such as direct labor hours, direct labor costs or factory machine hours ).



(6) Work Process 1,200

Factory Overhead 1,200

(240% of direct labor cost) (6)在制品 1,200

制造费用 1,200


Recording pleted Production:This entry reflects the assignment of costs to pleted production and the transfer of those costs from Work in Process to Finished Goods.


(7) Finished Goods 2,000

Work in Process 2,000

(7)制成品 2,000

在制品 2,000

Suppose that the firm produces a single product and the units pleted in that period are 1,000 the unit product cost would be  2.

假设该企业只生产一种产品,当期的完工产量为1,000件,则产品单位成本为 2.

Recording Cost of Goods Sold:This entry transfers the cost of finished products sold (700 unit &emsp  2) to the Cost of Goods Sold account.

销货成本的记录:这一分录将已出售的制成品成本(700件&emsp 2)转入销货成本账户。

(8) Cost of Goods Sold 1,400

Finished Goods 1,400 (8)销货成本 1,400

制成品 1,400

Under-or overapplied overhead (an overapplied overhead  50 in our example ) is expected at the end of interim accounting periods and is shown as deferred debits or credits on interim balance sheets. If the amount is immaterial, it is closed to Cost of Goods Sold at year-end; if material, it may be allocated among the Work in Process, Finished Goods and Cost of Goods Sold accounts.

在年度内各会计期期末,可望出现少分配或多分配制造费用(例中为多分配制造费用 50,在中期资产负债表上列示为递延借项或递延贷项。如金额不大,在年终时将结转于销货成本账户;如金额巨大,则可在在制品,制成品和销货成本等账户之间进行分配。



fiat money has not only no particular value in use, it doesnt even really he a value in exchange except that which is decreed that it would he.


so fiat money is money which is intrinsically worthless. and its value exists by virtue of the fact that it is generally acceptable. and fiat money, needless to say, is one of the most mysterious inventions of the human mind, and no economist has managed to explain exactly why it is that people will generally accept something as valuable when it clearly has no value other than that which it is decreed to he.


a credit instrument is an obligation. and its used as money because it has value. and the value that it has, of course, is a value which is based upon its credit-worthiness, in other words, how much credit or how much credence people give to the promise which is actually written down. what im receiving or using as an instrument for money purposes is somebody elses obligation. their preparedness to do something for me which might be to give me fiat money. that could be the promise which is incorporated in the cheque or the bill of exchange.


1.fiat money 名义货币,法定货币

2.credit money 信用货币

3.credit instrument 信用手段,信用安排

4.credit - worthiness 信贷价值,信用声誉



6.名义货币,也叫法定货币,英文是 fiat money.

7.现代社会中还有另外一种形态的货币,叫做 credit money,信用货币。随着商品流通的发达,货币与商品交易有了时间的间隔,出现了所谓的延期交易,因而也就有了债权债务契约,也就是买卖当事人之间或借贷双方的信用关系。尽管信用货币这一形态早已在人类历史上出现,但只是在不久以前它才得到广泛的使用。

信用货币也就是信用手段- credit instrument,或者说是一种当事人双方或多方都接受的信用安排。它包括用以取得信贷的文件、合同或支票、期票、借据等等。



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