

01月29日 编辑 39baobao.com

[八年级上册英语课课练配译林版第23页内容]Look at the photo of my family,the girl is me.I'm fourteen years old.I'm in Dongzhou Middle School.I like reading, listening to music and drawing pictures. I'm...+阅读

都是初一学过的 颜色 red , blue , black ,purple ,pink,orange,brown,gray,white,blond,yellow,green,gray, 服饰 T-shirt,shoe,cap,coat,raincoat,pants,shirt,dress,skirt,sweater,jacket, 职业 doctor,worker,driver,,farmer,cook,nurse,teacher, 家庭成员 mother,father,aunt,brother,uncle,daughter,cousin,grandmother,grangfather,sister, 运动 basketball, soccer(football), volleyball , ping pong 房间 dining room,kitchen,living room,washroom,study,bedroom, 节日 Spring Festival,Christmas,Lantern Fastival,Thanksgiving,Easter,Mid-autumn,May Day(International Labor Day),Draron Boat Festival,Nationonal Day,New Year,Teachers'Day,Children Day,Monther's Day 水果 apple,banana ,grape,orange,pear,watermelon,mango 食物 potato,nooddle,sweet, dessert ,meat,beef ,chicken ,turkey,duck ,fish, vegetables ,milk,bread ,egg ,hamburger,sandwich,dumpling,honey,coffee 天气 warm,hot,cold,rain,snow,cloudy,foggy,snowy,rainy,windy,sunny,bright, 国家 China,England,the USA,Germany,New Zealand,Brazil,Indonesia,India, 科目 Chinese,English,biology,geography,physics,art,music,P.E,history,politics,science,math, class meeting,


八年级英语课课练上册第六单元作文Last sunday. I and my father, mother, grandparents, brother went to bailongshan by bus. In the morning we came down the mountain. I saw wooded mountains, wild f...

八年级英语上册课时练作文I just came bake from Qingdao. iwent there with my family .On that day the weather was very fine.We went to the beach first many people were on the beach,they p...

如何提高德语口语?来说说如何背单词所谓“Osten oder Westen, mein Haus ist am besten.”学德语还是在家自学的感觉最好。学德语和学任何语言一样,分为两个阶段,一个叫做语音阶段,一个叫做基础阶段。一、语音阶...

没问题英语怎么说没问题oke属类:【简明汉英词典】-〖-〗-[-] **********************************************************************没问题nothing wrong with属类:【工程技术 】-〖海运工...

英语非常感谢咋说#1 表示感谢的用语 一、表示感谢的用语: Thank you so much / very much.非常感谢你. Thank you for your help.谢谢你的帮助. Thanks a lot for the news.非常感谢这消息. M...

英语中的各种标点符号怎么念逗号读作:Comma ; 分号读作:Semicolon . 句号:Period; Dot; Decimal point ("小数点"叫decimal point,读作"point" ) : 冒号:Colon “开双引号:Open double quote; Open quote ” 闭双引号...

摄氏度用英语怎么说摄氏度英文表达:degree Celsius 读音:英 [diˈɡri: ˈselsi:əs] 美 [dɪˈɡri ˈsɛlsiəs] 摄氏温度,摄氏度 用法示例如下: 1、The weather in Shenzhen these days is strang...

凉了凉爽的用英语怎么说cool 英[ku:l] 美[kul] 过去式:cooled 过去分词:cooled 现在分词:cooling adj. 1.凉快的, 凉爽的; 冷色的; 使人感到凉爽的 2.冷静的, 镇定的 3.冷漠的; 不友好的; 冷淡的; 厚颜无耻的...

