

01月19日 编辑 39baobao.com

[男孩子用什么英文名好]不知道你是要自己取名还是给被人取名,想要个常用正宗的,还是有一点个性的,给你点建议把,以下是常用英文名前20名(只有名,没有姓): Girls' Name Boys' Name 1 Ashley 1Michael 2 Jess...+阅读

Zoe: Why have you got your shades on? It's not that sunny outside.

Helen: I know, but I've got a terrible headache and my eyes hurt in the light.

Zoe: Do you like wearing shades, Helen?

Helen: Oh yes, especially when it is sunny.

Zoe: Me too.How about in winter?Do you wear a pair of sunglasses in winter?

Helen: No. I only wear my shades in the sun.

Zoe: You must look cool in it.

Helen: Like a Hollywood star!

Zoe: Do you really think you look like a star after being in a pair of sun-glasses?

Helen: It's true though, my shades are really cool.

Zoe: All right.It really looks cool on you.

Helen: Anyway, let's recap – shades – is an informal word for sunglasses.

Zoe: Sun-glasses are shades,for many people,it's important to have a pair of sun-glasses。It's time to be over now。

Helen: Yes, we have to go. You've been listening to Real English from BBC Learning English. Bye.

Zoe: See you next time.


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