

01月07日 编辑 39baobao.com

[和食物有关的问题谢谢帮忙解答一下]1、好的耗油酒店一般选“财神耗油”或者“旧庄耗油”不知道你们当地选用什么,家里选个“致美斋”耗油就不错了,“家乐”耗油能再便宜点。蒸鱼豉油一般就是“李锦记”。 2、我...+阅读

Fast food in China

As an import, fast food has come to China since last 80s. Now, fast food is becoming more and more popular in public, especially children, teenagers and travelers. It has become the first choice for their outside repast.

Why has fast food done so well only through 20 years? I think there are several reasons for its popularity. In the first place, fast food is really very fast as its name indicates. Some world-famous fast food chains, like KFC and McDonald's, restrict the time for preparing food. In the next place, it is cheaper than restaurant while cleaner than small eateries. Thirdly, fast food chain can provide food of relatively uniform size, volume or even shape all over the world because of its strict standard. Last but not the least is fast food chain often uses some finesse to attract customers, for instance, presenting food or toys with suit, providing all kinds of vouchers, etc.

However, there're also deficiencies restrict fast food's further development. The most vital question is fast food containing high caloric and inadequate supplying of nutritive elements according to the healthy food's requirement. So, if fast food could provide better food and better service, meanwhile make up its deficiency, the Chinese market—the largest in the world—will open up more broad prospects for its development.


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