[创造更适合我们班级孩子的“学讲”英语课]李涛涛 ],自从徐州市推进 学讲计划 以来,一直在努力探索 学讲 之路,在这个过程中,经历了很多困难和挫折,但也意外收获了许多。学讲 课堂重视的是学生自己真实的学习的发生,所以学...+阅读
Should mothers stay home with children? 母亲应该在家照顾孩子吗
Christophe: Hello, this is Christophe from Belgium and Aiste from Lithuania. Todays question is ... Should mothers stay home when the children are young? I think the mothers should definitely stay home. My mom was a single mother and she had to work immediately after the birth because she had to earn money to raise the children and I didnt really like that I preferred to he a mom that stays at home. You had a different situtation.
Aiste: Well, young children ... My mom stayed with me for one year when I was really a baby and after she ge birth to me she made a break in her studies and she stayed with me for one year. Later I remember both my parents going to study or to work and some neighbor or my grandmother used to stay at home and take care of me but I went to kindergarten from two years old thats kind of early I think.
Is it mon for man to cook in your country? 在你们国家男性做饭普遍吗?
Lia: Hi, this is Lia from Indonesia.
Santi: And this is Santi. The same, from Indonesia.
Lia: We are both sisters. So, my question for you is ... Is it mon for a man to cook in your country?
Santi: Well, I will answer from my family perspective. No, its not mon in our family to he a man cook in our kitchen cause it will cause a mess and well, especially, my father he loves to cook, he wants to cook but our mother says no directly because when he cooks when he prepares all of the things he tends to make the kitchen dirty and we he to clean it later on so no.
Lia: So thats the point of your family. What about in our country?
Santi: I think maybe younger people, younger families use to do it but for the older couples, I think no. Right?
Lia: Yes, thats right.
Is it mon to he a housekeeper where you live? 在你生活的地方请管家普遍吗?
Santi: Hello, my name is Santi.
Lia: And Im Lia.
Santi: Were both from Indonesia. And todays question that Id like to ask you is ... Is it mon to he a house keeper in Indonesia?
Lia: Yes, it is mon to he a housekeeper in Indonesia because, especially, in big cities like Jakarta when both parents are working so they need someone to take care of the household chores. They need someone to take care of the children to prepare them a meal, or to help them actually so it is mon.
Santi: Yes, and its convenient, really convenient because they can do all the cooking, all the cleaning and all we he to do is ask them politely.
Lia: Yes, thats very important.
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