

10月28日 编辑 39baobao.com



on the contrary different from / in contrast on the other hand in spite of / despite yet, but whereas unlike nevertheless not only…but also here…there years ago…today this…that


the former…the latter then…now the first…whereas the second some…others on the one hand…on the other once…now


An Eye-Witness Account of a Traffic Accident

I saw the Traffic Accident in Tianjin Road. The Traffic Accident has been at the morning, May 1. Two children by bike went to school. A car is so fast, the streel. And the car touched two children by bike, and the Traffic Accident has happened. One is touched so far wayand the other is put down. Mary people e here, and they sent to two chidten who go to Hospiton. Wait a time, The ploiemen arriverd in the Accident place.

My opiontoin: The car driver is so fast by car, and He didn't attendation to the children by bike aside the road. Two children by bike didn't heared the car e. All of above, I think the car driver must be serier the Traffic Accident.

It was last Friday morning. The accident happened when I was on my way to school. It was so terrible that I would never fet it.

I was walking along the road, and there are not so many cars on the road. Then, with a big sound, the accident happened. The red car stoped suddenly on the road so that the driver of following car cou

ldn't respond immeditely. The back of the red car was badly damaged, but fortunately there was no people injured in this accident.

I think the main reasons are as follows: First of all, the red car shouldn't stop suddenly without any signals. Secondly, the following car should keep a certain distance from the front car so that the driver could he enough time to take measurs when any badly situation. Finally, these two drivers were careless. If they had paid more attention to driving, this accdent wouldn't he happened.

The traffic accident was taken place at the junction of two highways when I was driving my car home at about 4 o'clock……

The yellow car involved in the accident was running at a high speed along the right-hand when it happened. Hardly it reached the junction when it cracked with a truck running from another direction. There was no time for the drivers to change the directions.

I think the accident mostly attributed to such reasons: Firstly and the foremost, it was the carelessness of both of the drivers that mostly made the accidents happen. It was not too careful for them when running a car. Secondly, the weather also should be responsible for it. The fog made the vision of drivers vague. Last but not the least, the constructure of the roads was unreasonable. The trafic lights are needed at any junctions.









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