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[正式英文商务邀请函]to someone who may concern Invitation letter Dear Sirs, Here with, we xxx Company would like to invite the following persons of association "被邀请公司名称" to vi...+阅读

My name's William Kremer and over the next three weeks, I'm going to be telling you how to invite people to do things and say yes or no to other people's invitations. And today we're looking at informal invitations, and in particular, how to ask someone whether he or she would like to go for a pint. 我是William Kremer,接下来的三个星期,我会教大家怎样(用英语)向别人发出邀请以及在收到邀请后怎样拒绝或是接受。 今天我们将学习非正式的邀请,特别是开口问某人是否愿意跟你go for a pint。 If you live in the UK, or have ever been to the UK, then you must know what I mean by 'a pint'. I mean, a glass of beer, usually served in a pub: a pint of beer. We also often say 'a drink' to mean an alcoholic drink such as beer. 假如你住在英国或者是曾经到过英国,那你一定知道我所说的'a pint'是什么意思。 'a pint'是一杯啤酒,酒吧通常有售:一品脱啤酒。

我们也会称之为“a drink”,指的是酒类,如啤酒。 So, let's imagine that it's five o'clock on a Friday and you've had a hard week and it's time for a pint. What's a good way of asking other people if they'd like a drink too? Well, in the next clip, Diarmuid is going to invite Catherine out for a pint. 那让我们来假设一下,现在是周五下午五点,辛苦了一个礼拜,应该是去喝一杯的时候啦。 询问别人是否也想去喝一杯的最好方式是什么呢? 嗯,在接下来的录音中,Diarmuid 就在邀请Catherine 去喝一杯。 See if you can hear what words Diarmuid uses to do this. 看看你能不能听出来Diarmuid都用了哪些表达。 Diarmuid: Catherine, I'm just going for a drink after work this evening - do you fancy a pint? 今晚下班后我想去喝酒,想要来一杯吗? Catherine: Ooh, I'd love one. 哦,想呢! William: Diarmuid asks, 'Do you fancy a pint?' Diarmuid 问:'Do you fancy a pint?' In British English, if you 'fancy' something, it means that right now you want to have it. 在英国英语中,假如你fancy某东西,也就是说,此刻你就想得到那种东西。

For example, 'I fancy an ice cream', 'I fancy a hamburger' 例如,“我想吃冰淇淋;我想吃汉堡”。 Diarmuid: Catherine, I'm just going for a drink after work this evening - do you fancy a pint? 同。 Catherine: Ooh, I'd love one. 重复。 William: Catherine says that she'd love a pint, so she's agreeing to go for a drink with Diarmuid. Catherine 说,她想喝一杯,也就是说她答应与Diarmuid一起去喝酒。 Now let's hear another way of inviting someone out for a pint: 现在来听一下另外一种邀请某人去喝酒的方式。 Diarmuid: Are you up for a pint after work Catherine? Catherine,下班后打算去喝一杯吗? William: Diarmuid asked Catherine if she was 'up for a pint'. Diarmuid在问Catherine她是否'up for a pint"。 Diarmuid: Are you up for a pint after work Catherine? 同。 William: If someone is up for something, it often means that he or she would like to do something or try something. This is a common expression in spoken English. 假如某个人up for something(打算做某事),实际是在说他/她想做某事。

这是英语口语中较常见的表达。 Diarmuid: Are you up for a pint after work Catherine? 同。 William: OK, let's look at a third way of inviting someone out for a pint. 好了,来看看第三种邀请别人外出喝酒的方式: Diarmuid: Do you feel like a pint, Catherine? Catherine,想喝一杯吗? William: In this situation, if you feel like something, you fancy it. And so the question for Diarmuid is, 'Do you feel like a pint?' 这里,假如你feel like某事/某物,即,你想要做某事或得到某物。 Diarmuid需要回答的问题是:'Do you feel like a pint?'——你想去喝一杯吗? Diarmuid: Do you feel like a pint, Catherine? 同。 William: Now, see if you can hear a difference between the following sentences: 现在来看一下你能否听出以下句子的异同。 Diarmuid: Do you feel like a pint, Catherine? 你想来喝一杯吗,Catherine? Diarmuid: Do you feel like going for a pint, Catherine? Catherine,想去喝酒吗? William: Well, the second sentence features a gerund - 'going'. We can use gerunds to talk about activities instead of objects. The activity we're talking about here is going for a pint. Listen again. 嗯,第二个句子里面出现了动名词going。

我们用动名词来表示做某事而不是特指某物。 这里说的事情是去喝酒。 再来听一次: Diarmuid: Do you feel like going for a pint, Catherine? Catherine,你想去酒吗? William: In this situation, Diarmuid can choose whether to talk about the pint itself - 'Do you feel like a pint' - or the activity of going for a pint - 'Do you feel like going for a pint?' 在这里,Diarmuid可以选择特指酒本身('Do you feel like a pint')也可以指去喝酒这件事“Do you feel like going for a pint?” But, sometimes we don't h...


Dear Li Ming, How are you these day? I have been thinking about you since last time we met each other. I have asked my parents if you could come to our house at some point, and they said it would be great to have you with us for dinner. After checking with my dairy, I think this Saturday would be fine for we both. Would you like to come to my home this Saturday? It would be so much fun to meet you again. We could make cakes and playing monopoly together. Can't wait~ R.S.V.P. Yours Wang Lin


这个我们经常写,就是办理签证用,都是用有公司信息的信纸写,页眉是公司LOGO,页脚是公司名字地址电话传真啥的,正文跟下面这样就行了,最后签字盖公章。 Dear Sir or Madam: We are very pleased to invite Mr. *** come to our factory for visiting and business negotiation. The business trip will start from 18th April 2005 . And because the long business co-operation in future between **对方公司名 and us, they will come to China for many times. Please note, however, that we don't assume any legal or financial responsibility whatever regarding the presence of ****** in China. All expenses of *****'Sjourney to/from China, their stay in China as well as health insurance will be borne by their employers. We send you our kindest regards and best wishes for a pleasant trip. Yours sincerely, General Manager signatur July 29, 2005


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