

02月25日 编辑 39baobao.com

[英文写作句子200句]1. According to a recent survey, four million people die each year from diseases linked to smoking. 依照最近的一项调查,每年有4,000,000人死于与吸烟有关的疾病。 2. T...+阅读

In just over midterm exam, I made a lot of stupid mistakes.

I always English is very good, but this time the unconcioursly, English was wrong many shouldn't wrong place. After my careful reflection, I think this and I read the title not seriously has the very big relations. It also extends to the mathematics and language.

I know the teacher for I have great expectations, but I still did not get better. On this, I'm sorry. But now that made a mistake must correct it, so, through the test I also think a lot later must learn.

The mid-term exam after all is not the final exam, I have a chance. The next test, I should work harder, to not let teachers, parents and students down. Don't let myself down.

I hope the teacher don't lose faith in me, although I in this exam is not ideal, but I believe in my own strength. The next test, I will work hard!

Hope to be helped somewhat to you, good good study English!






希望对你有所帮助,还有好好学习英语!Hope to be helped somewhat to you, good good study English!




I have understood my mistake. I should have listened more carefully in class, and took better notes. I did not spend enough effort and time memorzing the vocabluaries. Because of the bad grade, I decided to set a goal for next semester. The goal is study at least 30 minutes everyday, take good notes in class, and practise outside class. Hopefully my grade next time will improve. I'm sorry to dispoint you, teacher. I promise I will do better next time.


Qizhong Kao reflection after the test

Tang Guo time as water,in Duankao Zhuanyan Jian has ended,results have been announced.Looking at the scores of papers,I was surprised by.This is not because I really want the scores.Why can not I have the highest number of test?So,I began to self-censorship.

I have the time to test because of the very tense and anxious,to that end,I think a number of ways.1.To answer that,let us not hurry to Xia Bi,Cao Gaozhi first listed on the Zhedao Ti in the main steps and follow the steps down step by step,do not ignore every detail,as far as possible,that each have a complete A; .Peacetime to do more different types of that,this will be familiar to most Questions,get papers will grasp the minds of 3.Appropriate to do some calculation of the exercises,so that their calculation is not in ERA.I think if I can do what I have mentioned these points,I can test some of the mistakes to a minimum.Therefore,I will endeavour to achieve the above points.




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