

01月03日 编辑 39baobao.com

[求半年内雅思7分的计划]首先你要相信自己,我连四级没过都考了6.5分,你过了四级应该7分问题不大 给你个建议 去新东方学一下,真的能学到很多东西 如果要考试了 用一个半月的时间把剑桥雅思1到6都作一遍...+阅读


an interesting animal

I have been raising a lovely dog named meimei. My mother sent her to me as my birthday gift when I was six years old. Until now, I know the real thinking of my mother sending a dog to me. In china, most families have only one child. So without any doubt, the child will feel very lonely. A dog or a cat can be a good and loyal friend. It not only can enrich their life of the childhood, but also can foster their loving heart.

Meimei is a little white dog. She is very naughty and sometimes plays tricks with me. Once in the morning I just woke up, she suddenly jumped on the bed and barked at me, then ran away very quickly. She really gave me a big jump.

Dogs are loyal animals. At the same time she also depends on me very much. I remember I was ill last month; she seemed quite sad and ate nothing the whole day. She just sat beside me and looked at me all the time. Although she said nothing, I knew her heart was with me. That was beyond any word.

The only pity is that maybe someday I will study in another country, she can not go with me. I will miss her very much.



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