08年9月新话题卡: Describe a famous person you would like to meet. You should say: • who this person is • where you first saw him or her • how/why this person is famous and explain what you would say to this person. Describe someone you know who is good at cooking. You should say: • who this person is • how you know him or her • what kinds of food they cook and explain how (you think) this person became so good at cooking. Describe a dish you often eat and like. You should say: • What it is • How often you eat it • How the dish is made and explain why you like this dish more than others. Describe your favourite season or time of the year. You should say: • when season it is • what the weather is like at this time • what people usually do at this time (or, what you usually do) and explain what is special about that season. Describe an item of clothing that you wear on special occasions. You should say: • what this clothing looks like • where you bought it • on what special occasions you wear it and explain why you wear it on special occasions. Describe a sculpture or work of art that you have seen. You should say: • when you saw this work of art • where you saw it • what it looked like and explain your impression of it. Describe something special you want to buy in the future. You should say: • what it is • what it looks like • how long you have wanted to buy it and explain why you want to buy it. Describe something that helped you learn another language (besides your own language). You should say: • what it was • who bought it for you • why you chose to learn that language and explain how this thing helped you. Describe the ideal home that you would like to live in. You should say: • where it would be • what type of house it would be • how you would decorate it and explain what why you would like to live in this kind of home. Describe a success you have had. You should say: • what it was • what it happened • how easy or difficult it was to achieve and explain how important you think this success was (to you). Describe an educational trip that you went on when you were in school. You should say: • where you went • what you did there • what you learned on this trip and explain how you felt about this trip. Describe an important stage of your life. You should say: • how old you were • where you were living at the time • what you were doing during this stage and explain why you think this was an important stage of your life.
一个月雅思复习7分可以达到么求复习计划英语底子不错,一个月的时间多用点功应该差不多,说一下我个人的建议吧 先背单词,背单词是王道,词汇量不够阅读会比较吃力,雅思阅读篇幅较长,题量大,生词多了会严重影响做题效率,所以...
雅思7分给我一个学习计划1.词汇.. 书有一本就好,没有什么好推荐的,都差不多..重点是你自己能否记住.. 词汇有两种,input和output 注意下同义词,尤其是阅读,同义词替换掌握熟练,很有帮助.. 当然,先背动词,再...
求半年内雅思7分的计划首先你要相信自己,我连四级没过都考了6.5分,你过了四级应该7分问题不大 给你个建议 去新东方学一下,真的能学到很多东西 如果要考试了 用一个半月的时间把剑桥雅思1到6都作一遍...
雅思学习计划我大概有半年时间准备雅思考试目标是7分如何制定你好,很高兴为您解答: 剑桥雅思真题集3、4、5、6、7,其中剑6是相对比较难;剑桥雅思真题集3、4、5、7、8,可以用来做练习了解题型,剑6是相对比较难,可以用来做雅思模考;剑8增加了阅读...
本人高一希望高三可以雅思7分求详细学习计划!......重要的还是自身的努力。 枯燥的背单词这是必须的,勤练口语也是很有必要。多做雅思的练习题也很重要 中考136算是中等成绩吧,而且中考的英文一般很简单。所以阁下不要抱...
希望雅思达到7分 CET6低空飞过半年没碰英语估计每天能抽出一天4个小时的话,3周到5周应该没问题,根据学习的实际情况进行调整。个人认为把真题做透了就足够拿7.5分,至少7分,如果你某一项弱,可以把真题的这一项多做做——秘诀就是——要做...
急求制定雅思复习计划!6雅思是一门考试所以要取的可以接受的分数需要从两个方面着手: 1. 英语能力 (80%) 2. 应试能力 (20%) 这两个方面在分数的构成比重上不是一半对一半的。所以英语能力相对来说在影...
求雅思口语话题part1 part2范文雅思口语话题很多,尤其是part 2,在这里给范文也不可能该太多。下面给您part 1中Family的范文 口语Part1范文:FAMILY a) GENERAL 31. Could you tell me something about your f...