
4A Unit 8 Dolls评优课教案

03月17日 编辑 39baobao.com

[公开课教案苏教版四年级上册《但愿人长久》教案设计][教学目标]1.能正确、流利、有感情地朗读课文,背诵第 四、 五、六自然段。2.通过联系上下文、反复朗读体会,理解文章中含义深刻的句子,体会作者对兄弟苏辙的思念之情。3.能联系课...+阅读

Teaching content: Story time Teaching aims: 1. 能听得懂、会说、会读和会写单词eye, small, his, short, ear。2. 能听得懂、会说、会读单词hair, nose, mouth, king。3. 能听得懂、会说、会读和会用句型 His∕Her is∕are . Teaching difficulties and key points:

1. 通过洋娃娃介绍,学生能够听懂、会说、会读单词hair,eyes, nose,mouth。

2. 通过对比外貌迥异的娃娃以及看动作猜测游戏,学生能够理解会说形容词big, small, long, short。

3. 在介绍朋友猜测同学后,学生能够准确运用句型 His∕Her is∕are . 。

Teaching aids: flash, PPT

Teaching procedures:

Step 1: Warm up

1. Sing: Touch your eyes

2. Greeting

Step 2: Presentations

1. Learn: dolls -- dog

2. T show a doll and illicit

1) King sing

Doll: He is a king. He can sing.

Show pictures and understand the meaning, learn to say: cool

Chant: Doll, doll, look at my doll! King, king, he is a king. Cool, cool, very cool!

2) a mouth his mouth

Chant: A mouth, a mouth, it is a mouth, his mouth, his mouth, his mouth is big.

3) a nose

Chant: A nose, a nose, it is a nose. His nose, his nose. His nose is big.

4) Learn to say: His nose and mouth _____ big.

5) an eye 同音词: I

Learn: eyes

Chant: An eye, an eye, his eye. Eyes, eyes, his eyes, his eyes are big.

6) an ear

一只小耳朵a small ear all

他的耳朵 his ears

His ears are ______.

7) hair -- chair

pare pictures and learn: short /long

Show the King, guess: His hair is _________.

Tips: hair 是不可数名词,要用is

3. Quick say to consolidate the words

4. Story time

1) Watch and answer: How many dolls do they he?

2) Listen and circle: What are they talking about?

They re talking about dolls _______.

3) Show two dolls, and consolidate: his/ her

his eyes/ears/mouth/nose/hair

her eyes/ears/mouth/nose/hair

4) Look and say

Her hair is _____. Her eyes are _____. Her nose and mouth are ________.

5) Talk and finish同桌讨论,完成下列描述

This is our doll. His hair is _____. His eyes ____ nose ___ ____. But his mouth is ____. His ears ___ ____too. Look! He s a ____ now. Cool!

6) Let s imitate模仿朗读,注意语音语调。

Tips: ︶ 表示连读;ˊ表示重音,要重读

7) Read together

8) Let s read以小组为单位,选择一种喜欢的方式读一读课文。

Read after one. (跟一个学生读)

Read together.(齐读)

Read in roles(分角色读)

9) Let s act: 小组合作表演,注意表情

Step 3: Consolidate

1. Guessing game: Hello./ Good morning. / . I he a good friend. Look at him/her.

His/ Her is/are . Who is he/she?

2. Ss play the game in groups

Step 4: Homework

1. Read and recite the dialogue.

2. Copy the story time.


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