

01月02日 编辑 39baobao.com

[英语猜词游戏2]Below are some explanations from Longman Dictionary Activator. About "someone who is unfairly blamed for something": scapegoat: someone who is unfairly blamed or...+阅读

六个人:A(Arron), B(Bob), C(Chris), D(Daniel), E(EJ), F(Frank)A: Hey what's up guys?BCDEF: Not much.A: So, hey Bob, what are you gonna do after class today?B: I am probably going to play some football with my buddies.A: Wow, sounds awesome.B: How about you, Arron?A: Um. I don't know yet. I might go to the gym and get some workout. You know the new recreation center next to the main library.B: Yeah, yeah, yeah, cool.C: Hey Arron, can I go with you since I am going to swim there?D: Yeah, me too, I am going to play some badminton and basketball.A: Oh sure, you betcha.(明尼苏达方言,表示Yes)E: Arron, are you from Minnesota?A: lol, yeah, where are you from again?E: Oh, I am from Nebraska.A: wow, cornhuskers huh?E: Yeah, Nebraska has nothing but corn.A: So what are you planning to do this afternoon?E: Um. I have a meeting tonight with my Civil Engineering team. You know, we are building a bridge out of steel.A: Cool~F: Hey, EJ, our team is building a canoe out of concrete and recycled materials. Wanna join our meetings some time and check it out?E: Sure, ttyl (Talk to you later,简写)我不知道怎么弄格式,只能辛苦你再加工一下啦


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