

09月25日 编辑 39baobao.com

[“学为中心”视角下的小学英语对话课教学——课前预习]今天我执教的是PEP新教材六年级下第二单元B部分的对话课。今年任教六年级,说实话对于这套新教材还有诸多的不适应,相信我们的孩子也是如此。首先是对话的篇幅特别长,Read and w...+阅读


________ ________ ________ ________ ________

_________ _________ _________ ________ ________


1. Tom is _____ (高)than Tony.

2. – Where _____ (be) you born?

-- I _____ (be) born in Beijing.

-- When _____ (be) your birthday?

-- It _____ (be) on the tenth of June.

3. Last Sunday Amy ____ (拍) many photos in the park.

Now she _____ (看) at these photos.

4. Mary usually _____ (去)to school by bike. But this morning she _____ (去)to school on foot because her bike ______ (be) broken.



1.两杯咖啡 ______________ 2.一个菠萝 __________________

3.做游戏 ________________ 4.在星期三 __________________

5.回头见 ________________ 6.what else _________________

7.look after ____________ 8.thank goodness ____________

9.make the bed __________ 10.do one’s homework ________



1. Can I put them here? A. Han Mei and Wei Fang.

2. Who are these girls? B. I am.

3. Who is on duty today? C. No, we are English.

4. What row are you in? D. Oh, yes, put them there.

5. Where are they? E. He is a teacher.

6. Are you American? F. It’s a pencil.

7. Hello, Lucy. This way, please. G. We are in Class Three.

8. What class are you in? H. Sorry, I don’t know.

9. What’s your father? I. Thank you.

10. What’s this? J. I’m in Row Two.



Mr Smith is an old man. He __1__ two big houses and a new car. He has no __2__,

but he has four __3__ --two sons and two daughters. One son is __4__ England. His name is Tom. The other son is from America. His name is Jack. One daughter is from China. __5__ name is Fangfang. The other daughter is from Japan. Her name is Mikou. Mr Smith is not the four children’s real __6__, but he loves them __7__. The children love him, __8__. Mr Smith buys many __9__ for the children. He gives __10__toys to different children. The boys play with toy cars. The girls play with dolls and tog animals. Mr Smith and the children are good friends.

1. A he B has C there is D there are

2. A wife B father C mother D friend

3. A sons B daughters C childs D children

4. A in B at C from D on

5. A His B Her C Their D She

6. A mother B father C uncle D aunt

7. A very much B very C much D much very

8. A very B much C two D too

9. A things B boys C toys D girls

10. A different B the same C good D bad



A good breakfast is important. We can easily understand why. We he not eaten anything for about twelve hours by breakfast time. Our bodies need food for morning activities.

One good breakfast should be rice or bread, an egg, milk and fruit. On a cold morning a cup of hot drink is necessary.

We must get up early to he plenty of time to eat breakfast. A good breakfast helps us to smile more easily. It helps us to be more friendly and also to work better and play more happily.

1. Why do we need food in the morning?

A. Because we’ve had nothing to eat for the whole night.

B. Because we he not eaten anything for eight hours.

C. Because we he plenty of time to eat something.

D. Because we like to eat things in the morning.

2. A good breakfast will be _______.

A. only rice or break

B. rice, bread and milk

C. bread or rice, an egg, fruit and milk

D. all kinds of food

3. What is important?

A. To get up late.

B. To he plenty of food.

C. To he a good breakfast.

D. To he a hot drink.

4. What does a good breakfast help us to do?

A. To smile.

B. To help us to be more friendly and do everything better and happily.

C. To make us fat easily.

D. To sleep well.

5. Why do we eat breakfast?

A. We need food for morning activities.

B. To help us to smile more easily.

C. To work better and play more happily.

D. All the above.



以My Bedroom (我的卧室)为题按要求写一篇英语小作文。

要求:1. 要写出卧室内的主要物品。

2. 条理清楚,语句通顺,标点正确,书写规范。

3. 不少于50个单词。










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