

09月25日 编辑 39baobao.com

[公开课教案苏教版四年级上册《但愿人长久》教案设计][教学目标]1.能正确、流利、有感情地朗读课文,背诵第 四、 五、六自然段。2.通过联系上下文、反复朗读体会,理解文章中含义深刻的句子,体会作者对兄弟苏辙的思念之情。3.能联系课...+阅读

Module 1 Greetings

一、Teaching aims:

1.He them hold the reading of unit 1.

2.Hold the greetings:hello,hi,goodbye,bye.

3.Hold the main sentence pattern of unit 2:good morning.

4.Listen and sing a song-Hello,hello.

5.Finish the exercises on the Activity Book.

二、Teaching Emphases:

1.The holding of the greetins..

2.The main sentence pattern of Unit 1.

三、Teaching Difficulties:

The correct pronounciation of the words:mornig,hello.

四、Teaching Ideas:

He the students know the ways to greet.

五、Teaching Tools:

pictures,tape recorder,cassette

六、Teaching sources:

The different ways of greet in America and the UK.

七、Teaching periods:

4 periods

八、Teaching Course:

Period 1

Teaching aims:

He ss hold the greetings of the dialogue in unit 1.

Teaching course:

(一) anization:

1. Sing an English song:ten little rabbits..

2. Do the actions..


The teacher stands at the door and greets the students as they e into the classroom.


The teacher stands in front of the class and greets all the students again and prompts them to answer.

(三)New lessons:

Activity 1:Listen and point:

T:let’s play a game.

The teacher explains that they he to greet their classmates once again.

If the first student says “Hi”,the other student has to say “hello”.

The second student says “hi”if the first student says “hello”.

The teacher does an example.

T:Hi. Class:Hello.

T:Hello. Class:Hi.

The students work in pairs ans greet their classmate.

Listen to the tape recorder.

Then look at the book and watch the pictures.<<<12345>>>


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