

12月10日 编辑 39baobao.com

[病历分析例题——缺铁性贫血][病例摘要] 患者女性,25岁,因面色苍白、头晕、乏力1年余,加重伴心慌1个月来诊。 1年前无明显诱因头晕、乏力,家人发现面色不如从前红润,但能照常上班,近1个 月来加重伴活动后心慌,曾...+阅读


“Own” your Children’ s Education

“Helping them isn’t about showing your kids how to do the work.It’s about being genuinely interested and hing regular conversations about what they’re learning,”says J.Gary Knowles,a professor at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education。part of the University of Toronto.

Rozon has a slew of suggestions for how to get more involved.“Get to know the teacher.Discuss ways to tailor the assignments to your child’s learning style.Spend time in the classroom.Ask for outlines of unit studies so you can find supplementary materials at the 1ibrary or through videos.Read your child’s textbooks:If you work a few pages ahead,you’ll be able to help them with problems they encounter’’

Reading is another must,says Rozon.“Even after your children Can read themselves, hearing somebody else read aloud is important.We nearly always he a book on the go;we read for at least a half hour before bedtime.”

The more engaged a parent is,the more the child benefit,adds Bruce Arai.“The evidence is clear:Parental involvement is one of the most important factors in school success.”Arai cites the National Longitudinal Survey of Children and Youth.sponsored by Human Resources Development Canada(HRDC), which is measuring all aspects of child development.“The hours children spend in class are but one element of their education。”states HRDC,which says parental support,along with teacher support and a positive attitude towards school,all contribute to academic SUCCESS.

“I see every moment of every day as a learning experience.”says Goforth.“The most satisfying part of it is seeing the love of learning continued.I’m not squelching my children’s desire to learn by insisting they learn.They learn because they want to.”

Adds Jeanne Lambert,mother of Carey Graham:‘‘Make the time,take the time,guide,lead,and encourage.If nothing else,your children learn you care,and that’s the most important1esson you can give them.”

1.According to the passage, parents should help their children with their homework.

A.right B.wrong C.Not mentioned

2. You should read your child’s textbooks so that you can teach them.

A.right B.wrong C.Not mentioned

3.Children should always take a book with them on the way back from school and read it aloud.

A.right B.wrong C.Not mentioned

4. If parents show a lot of interest in their children’s study, the children will do better at school.

A.right B.wrong C.Not mentioned

5.It is very important that you let your children know you feel love and concern for them.

A.right B.wrong C.Not mentioned

6. Parents must observe classes regularly.

A.right B.wrong C.Not mentioned

7. Governmental support also pays a role in achieving academic success.

A.right B.wrong C.Not mentioned


1. 文章标题分析:“Own” your Children’ s Education “拥有”孩子的教育

Own: adj. 自己的, pron.自己的东西, v. 有;拥有;持有

e.g. Every man has his own habit. 每个人都有他特有的习惯。

on one's own 独自地;独立地

标题的内容是“‘拥有’孩子的教育”, 显然有关孩子的教育是这篇文章的主题, 为了进一步了解“拥有”的含义, 可以参看文章开头句子:

“Helping them isn’t about showing your kids how to do the work.It’s about being genuinely interested and hing regular conversations about what they’re learning,”says J.Gary Knowles,a professor at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, part of the University of Toronto.段落的第一段就是一位教育专家的观点, 显然这个观点应该是作者支持的观点, 也应该反应文章的主题. 该专家说“帮助孩子不是告诉你的孩子怎样做他们的功课, 而是真正地关注他们的学习, 定期和他们交谈他们正在学习的内容”。这句话讲述了“家长应该如何在学习上帮助孩子。”。结合文章标题内容(‘拥有’孩子的教育)判断文章应该讲述“家长怎样做才能正确地在学习上对孩子提供帮助”。“父母(家长)”,“孩子”, “孩子的学习”是文章的主题词。

2. 直接解题:

1.According to the passage, parents should help their children with their homework.

A.right B.wrong C.Not mentioned


分析: 细节题。 问题句说“根据文章的内容来看, 家长应该帮助他们的孩子做家庭作业。”利用问题句中的信息词(孩子的家庭作业)作为答案线索, 这样在文章中找到答案相关句:

(第1段第1句)“Helping them isn’t about showing your kids how to do the work(这里的work就是homework).该句说“帮助孩子不是告诉你的孩子怎样做他们的功课”,该句与问题句在内容上没有直接的关系,所以接着看其相邻的句子: It’s about being genuinely interested and hing regular conversations about what they’re learning,”says J.Gary Knowles,a professor at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, part of the University of Toronto.该句说“家长应该真正地关注他们的学习, 定期和他们交谈他们正在学习的内容”, 该句也没有谈到家长是否得帮助他们的孩子做作业, 而文章的其他部分没有再提到“homework(work)”,因此判断该句的内容在文章中“没有被提到”。


help sb. with sth. 帮助某人…

genuinely: adv. 真正地, 真诚地

regular: adj. 有规则的,有规律的, 定期的,定时的

a regular customer 老主顾

2. You should read your child’s textbooks so that you can teach them.

A.right B.wrong C.Not mentioned


分析:细节题。问题句说“你应该读你孩子的课本, 这样你才能教他们。”利用问题句中出现的新信息词(宾语)your child’s textbooks(你孩子的课本)作为答案线索, 顺着上一题的答案位置往下找, 这样找到答案相关句:(第2段最后一句) Read your child’s textbooks:If you work a few pages ahead,you’ll be able to help them with problems they encounter’’ 该句说“阅读你孩子的课本, 如果你提前读几页课本, 你就能够帮助你的孩子解决他们在学习中遇到的问题”, 显然该句的内容与问题句的内容不一致, 因此判断B是答案.


ahead在前;向前(= beforehand, in advance)提前

ahead of 在…前面;优于;胜于

e.g. set the clock ahead 把钟朝前拨

encounter:v. 遇见,碰见 (友人等)

3.Children should always take a book with them on the way back from school and read it aloud.

A.right B.wrong C.Not mentioned


分析: 细节题。问题句说“孩子们应该在回家的路上随身带上一本书, 并且大声的朗读”。利用句子中的新信息内容“take a book…on the way back from school(在回家的路上随身带上一本书)”作为答案线索,顺着上一题的答案位置往下找,这样找到答案相关句: (第3段最后1句)We nearly always he a book (与take a book含义接近)on the go(处在…过程中);we read for at least a half hour before bedtime.” (该句中没有出现另一个线索结构on the way back from school)该句说“我们几乎总是有一本书在手上, 我们在上床之前至少读半个小时的书”, 显然该句内容与问题句无关, 而文章中的其他地方也没有出现on the way back from school及其近义结构, 因此判断该题的答案为C(没提到).


at least: 最少

at most: 最多

4. If parents show a lot of interest in their children’s study, the children will do better at school.

A.right B.wrong C.Not mentioned


分析: 观点题。问题句说“如果父母对孩子的学习显示出很大的兴趣, 孩子在学校会表现比较好”。 利用问题句中的新信息结构“interest in their children’s study((父母)对孩子学习的兴趣)”作为答案线索,这样找到答案相关句: (第4段)The more engaged a parent is(该结构与interest in their children’s study呼应),the more the child benefit,adds Bruce Arai.该句说“家长越参与(孩子的学习), 孩子就越受益”, 该句内容与问题句的内容基本上一致, 该句是观点句, 接下来肯定会进行具体的阐述:“The evidence is clear:Parental involvement is one of the most important factors in school success.”该句说“证据很清楚的表明: 家长的参与(对孩子的学习的兴趣)是在学校成功(在学习上的成功)的一种最重要的因素之一。” 该句清楚地说明了家长的参与对孩子学习成绩的影响,因此问题句的说法正确。


show an interest in…: 显示出对…的兴趣

engage: (多用被动语态〕使从事,使忙于, 参与 (in), 订婚

be engaged in.. 正做着..,正忙于.., 正参与..

be engaged [engage oneself] to …同…订婚

the more … the more 越…越..

e.g. The more beautiful she looks, the more confident she feels.

e.g. The higher the price is, the more customers seem to be attracted by it.

5.It is very important that you let your children know you feel love and concern for them.

A.right B.wrong C.Not mentioned

答案: A。

分析: 观点句(提示: 重要的观点句常常在文章中特殊的位置处出现(文章开头/文章结尾)). 问题句说“很重要的是你要让你的孩子知道你对他们的爱和关怀”。利用问题句中的新信息“love and concern(爱和关注)”作为答案线索,同时关注问题句中出现的修饰词important(重要的),这样找到答案相关句: (最后一段最后一句)If nothing else,your children learn you care(与love and concern(爱和关注)呼应),and that’s the most important 1esson you can give them.” 该句中出现了问题中的两个线索结构, 因此应该是直接的答案相关句, 该句说“如果再没有了其他的,如果你的孩子知道你在乎他们, 这就是你能给他们上的最重要的一课。 ”该句的内容与问题句的说法一致, 因此判断问题句的说法正确。

6. Parents must observe classes regularly.

A.right B.wrong C.Not mentioned


分析:细节句. 问题句说“父母必须定期地随堂听课”。 利用问题句中的新信息结构observe classes作为答案线索, 同时关注句子中的修饰词regularly,发现这两个线索在文章中都没有出现, 因此该句的内容为“没提到”。

observe classes: 随堂听课

observe: vt. 遵守(时间,法律、习惯等);观察,观测(天体、气象等)

observe a rule 遵守规则

7. Governmental support also pays a role in achieving academic success.

A.right B.wrong C.Not mentioned


分析: 细节句. 问题句说“政府的支持对孩子们获得学习的成功也起着作用” 。 利用问题句中的新信息词Governmental support作为答案线索,结果发现文章中该词并没有出现, 因此判断该句的说法没提到。


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