[病历分析例题——缺铁性贫血][病例摘要] 患者女性,25岁,因面色苍白、头晕、乏力1年余,加重伴心慌1个月来诊。 1年前无明显诱因头晕、乏力,家人发现面色不如从前红润,但能照常上班,近1个 月来加重伴活动后心慌,曾...+阅读
(一):1. 直接从书上选题:
1. It is obvious that he will win the game.
A. likely B. possible C. clear D. probable
It is obvious that there is difference in the way they view the matter.
A. natural B. certain C. inevitable D. clear
分析: 答案都是clear。
clear – obvious – evident明白的,明显的, 清楚的
likely -- possible --- probable可能的
natural自然界的,生来的(the natural world 自然界)
certain -- sure 确信的
certain -- some某个(种)的
certain – inevitable(不可避免的) – bound 必定的,肯定的
e.g. You can be certain she is ing.
e.g. He is certain to succeed.
e.g. It's bound to happen. 2. I can no longer tolerate his actions.
A. put up with B. accept C. take D. receive
I can no longer tolerate his actions.
A. put up with B. accept C. take D. suffer from
分析: 答案都是put up with
tolerate –put up with – bear 忍受
accept – take 接受
suffer from遭受(痛苦, 疾病等)
3. In the background was the eternal hum.
A. long B. never-ending C. boring D. extensive
You eternal boasting annoys everyone.
A. unchangeable B. ever-lasting C. boring D. monotonous
分析: 答案位置没有变动, 但是被选项出现了近义词的替换.
eternal – never-ending – ever-lasting 永远的,永久的
long 长的
boring – troublesome (B级) 令人厌烦的
extensive -- wide-ranged 广阔的,广大的, 范围广泛的
4. The constitution’s vague nature has given it the flexibility to be adapted when circumstances change.
A. imprecise B. apparent C. clear D. easy
The constitution’s vague nature has given it the flexibility to be adapted when circumstances change.
A. imprecise B. concise C. unpolished D. elementary
分析: 答案都是imprecise.
apparent –clear明白的,清楚的
easy容易的 (easy –fortable舒服的 )
concise – brief简洁的,简明扼要的
elementary初步的 (elementary – fundamental根本的,本质的)
5. Gambling is lawful in Nevada.
A. enjoyable B. irresistible C. legal D. profitable
Gambling is lawful in Nevada.
A. legal B. irresistible C. enjoyable D. profitable
分析: 答案都是legal.
lawful – legal合法的
enjoyable -- joyous –happy – pleasant愉快的,快乐的
profitable – beneficial 有益的;有用的
6. These are our motives for doing it.
A. reasons B. excuses C. answers D. replies
These are our motives for doing it
A. reasons B. arguments C. targets D. stimuli
motive – reason动机
answer –reply回答,答复
stimulus刺激物 (pl. stimuli)
7. The river widens considerably as it begins to turn west.
A. extends B. stretches C. broadens D. bends
The river widens considerably as it begins to turn west.
A. extends B. stretches C. broadens D. trerses
分析: 答案都是broadens.
widen – broaden变宽
considerable – large 相当(大、多)的,很多的
extend -- stretch伸展,伸出
8. Many economists he given in to the fatal lure of mathematics.
A. error B. puzzle C. attraction D. contradiction
Many economists he given in to the fatal lure of mathematics.
A. error B. function C. attraction D. miracle
分析: 答案都是attraction.
fatal – killing -deadly 致命的
lure – attraction – temptation诱惑
error – mistake错误
miracle –wonder 奇迹
9. A great deal has been done to remedy the situation.
A. maintain B. improve C. preserve D. protect
Hundreds of years ago cloves丁香were used to remedy headaches.
A. disrupt 使分裂 B. diagnose C. evaporate D. cure
分析: 分别考察动词remedy的两个常用词义.
A great deal 大量的(事情, 工作等)
maintain -- preserve – protect保护,维护。
diagnose 诊断(疾病)。
cure -- treat 治疗
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