
What do you want?I want……

09月16日 编辑 39baobao.com

[PEP四年级上册全册教案之Unit 5  What would you l]第一课时教案示例 课题:Unit 5 What would you like? 重点:句型:Can I he some …, please? Sure. Here you are. 单词:rice, fish, beef, soup, noodles, vegetable 难点:能够正...+阅读

What do you want?I want……Teaching PlanWhat do you want?I want…… Teaching Aims:

1、复习水果的英语名称,初步掌握句型What do you want?I want……

2、在游戏中感知新句型并体验英语游戏的乐趣。 Teaching Aids: a basket some fruits some fruit’s cards a dice two trees Teaching Ste :

一、Greeting T: Hello,Good noon,boys and girls! C: Hello,Good noon,Melody!. T:What do you see?Look,I he a beautiful basket.There are some fruits in it!Look,what’s this? :It’s a…… 二To learn 1 Show a pu et to students.Teacher and pu et each other say: “What do you want?I want…… 2 Show a dice to students. T:What’s this? ice. T:Now,I’ll ask:What do you want?You’ll a wer:I want…… OK?(The teacher first turn the dice,as turn as ask: “ What do you want?”Then the students ask:“I want……”) 3 Show the fruit’s cards on the blackboard. T:What are these? :Some fruits. T: What do you want? :I want……(If they’ll say great,then put down the fruit’s cards from the blackboard and give them.) 4将小朋友分成红队和蓝队,请两队摘树上的水果.每队各选5名代表上来,分别为NO.1—NO.5,当下面的小朋友说: “What do you want?”时,NO.1—NO.5的小朋友根据老师的指令说: “I want……”哪个队的代表说得又快又好,采下的水果就归哪个队. 5 将小朋友分成5个小组,每个小组一个球,抛的说: “What do you want?”接的说: “I want……”. T:Cla is over.Let’s stand up and turn back.To other teachers say:thank you,bye-bye.


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