
PEP5 Unit 4 What can you do

09月25日 编辑 39baobao.com

[2012年新版牛津英语3Aunit78测试卷]一、听录音,选择你所听到的单词。(10‘) ( )1、A.cake B.sweet C.hot dog ( )2、A.cake B.sweet C.hot dog ( )3、A.cake B.sweet C.hot dog ( )4、A.pie B.ice C.look ( )5、A.pie...+阅读


1. Enable the students to say: Are you helpful at home?

What can you do ?

You’re helpful!

2. Enable the students to ask and answer the others, manage the sentences has learnt.

3. Cultivate the Ss’ sense of pride and the enthusiasm to do the housework.


1.Master the pattern: What can you do? ——I can --------

2.Enable the Ss to say “Are you helpful at home?” 并能在实际情景中正确运用所学对话。


CAI Step 1. Warm-up1. Let’s chant a. chant together b. chant again in different roles. 总结:The dog can run. the panda can eat bamboo. Make can draw animals. I can wash my clothes. What can you do? 2.He a race Divide the class into 4 groups. then say sentence likes : I can --- Say and do the action , can’t reiteration. Find out the winner which group says at most. 3. Shows some pictures and say. Sarah can … Step 2.Presentation and Practice

1.Free talk T: Sarah is helpful At home! Are you helpful at home? (board) (S: Yes./Sure.) T: What can you do? (S: I can -------) T: Great! You’re helpful! ( 奖励) 2 Make a survey T: Now, you’re a little toastmaster. Let’s interview the classmate and ask them: What can you do? Housework Name

Sweep the floor

Cook the meals

Clean the bedroom

Empty the trash

Water the flowers

Wash the windows

Work in group, then report: Mary can ------- 3.Let’s talk Shows the “Thanks Giving Day” T: OK. Now, look ! What day is it? (S: It’s Thanks Giving Day ) T: Yes. The fourth Thursday in November is Thanks Giving Day. Now, what can ChenJie do on Thanks Giving Day? Let’s listen to the tape. 1. Just listen and say : What can Chen Jie do? 2. Listen again and read the dialogue in different roles. 3. .Make a dialogue a. T and s make the dialogue, S and S make a dialogue b. Practice in two, then act out the dialogue Stp 3. Consolidation and extension1.I am a toastmaster a. Just listen a music. Then shows the picture of Dong Hao and say: Look! Who’s ing? (Dong Hao.) 师模仿董浩和学生打招呼。 b. Practice in group .“ If you are Dong Hao. Go to interview some children..” c. Act it. 2.. A Little Poem I am a good boy. I’m helpful at home. I can sweep the floor. I can water the flowers. I am a good girl. I’m helpful too. I can cook the meals. I can clean the bedroom. We are good boys and girls. Are you helpful at home? Step 4: Homework<<<12>>>


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