

12月09日 编辑 39baobao.com

[孩子的其他逻辑思维能力]第3章 孩子未来所应具备的其他逻辑思维能力 自从进入了这个成长阶段,父母就应该有目的、有计划地对孩子未来所需要的逻辑思维能力进行培育了,并且这种培育活动最少应该持续至...+阅读

1. Although 90 percent of the population believes itself to be well inFORMed about health care, only 20 percent knows enough about DNA. So apparently at least 80 percent of the population does not know enough about medical concepts to make well-inFORMed personal medical choices or to make good public policy decisions about health care.

The argument's reasoning is questionable because the argument fails to demonstrate that

(A) those people who can understand news stories about DNA are able to make well-inFORMed personal medical choices

(B) more than 20 percent of the population needs to be well inFORMed about health care for good public policy decisions about health care to be made

(C) one's being able to make well-inFORMed personal medical choices ensures that one makes good public policy decisions about health care

(D) an understanding of DNA is essential to making well-inFORMed personal medical choices or to making good public policy decisions about health care

(E) since 90 percent of the population believes itself to be well inFORMed about health care, at least 70 percent of the population is mistaken in that belief.

2. During the 1980's, Japanese collectors were very active in the market for European art, especially as purchasers of nieenth-century Impressionist paintings. This striking pattern surely reflects a specific preference on the part of many Japanese collectors for certain aesthetic attributes they found in nieenth-century Impressionist paintings.

Which one of the following, if true, most strongly supports the explanation above?

(A) Impressionist paintings first became popular among art collectors in Europe at the beginning of the twentieth century.

(B) During the 1980's, the Japanese economy underwent a sustained expansion that was unprecedented in the country's recent history.

(C) Several nieenth-century Impressionist painters adopted certain techniques and visual effects found in Japanese prints that are highly estee

11. The erage cable television pany offers its customers 50 channels, but new fiber-optic lines will enable telephone panies to provide 100 to 150 television channels to their customers for the same price as cable panies charge for 50. Therefore, cable panies will be displaced by the new panies within a few years.

Which of the following, if true, most helps to strengthen the argument?

(A) The initial cost per household of installing new fiber-optic television service will exceed the current cost of installing cable television service.

(B) The most popular movies and programs on channels carried by cable panies will also be offered on channels carried by the fiber-optic lines owned by the telephone panies.

(C) Cable television panies will respond to petition from the telephone panies by increasing the number of channels they offer.

(D) Some telephone panies own cable panies in areas other than those in which they provide telephone services.

(E) The new fiber-optic services offered by telephone panies will be subject to more stringent governmental programming regulations than those to which cable panies are now subject.

12. The only physical factor preventing a human journey to Mars has been weight. Carrying enough fuel to propel a conventional spacecraft to Mars and back would make even the lightest craft too hey to be launched from Earth. A device has recently been invented, however, that allows an otherwise conventional spacecraft to refill the craft's fuel tanks with fuel manufactured from the Martian atmosphere for the return trip. Therefore, it is possible for people to go to Mars in a spacecraft that carries this device and then return.

Which one of the following is an assumption on which the argument depends?

(A) The amount of fuel needed for a spacecraft to return from Mars is the same as the amount of fuel needed to trel from Earth to Mars.

(B) The fuel manufactured from the Martian atmosphere would not differ in position from the fuel used to trel to Mars.

(C) The device for manufacturing fuel from the Martian atmosphere would not take up any of the spaceship crew's living space.

(D) A conventional spacecraft equipped with the device would not be appreciably more expensive to construct than current spacecraft typically are.

(E) The device for manufacturing fuel for the return to Earth weighs less than the tanks of fuel that a conventional spacecraft would otherwise need to carry from Earth for the return trip.

13. In 1712 the government of Country Y appointed a censor to prohibit the publication of any book critical of Country Y's government; all new books legally published in the country after 1712 were approved by a censor. Under the first censor, one half of the book manus submitted to the censor were not approved for publication. Under the next censor, only one quarter of the book manus submitted were not approved, but the number of book manus that were approved was the same under both censors. If the statements in the passage are true, which one of the following can be properly concluded from them?

(A) More books critical of Country Y's governments were published before the appointment of the first censor than after it.

(B) The first censor and the second censor prohibited the publication of the same number of book manus.

(C) More book manus were submitted for approval to the first censor than to the second.

(D) The second censor allowed some book manus to the published that the first censor would he considered critical of Country Y's government.

(E) The number of writers who wrote unpublished manus was greater under the first censor than under the second.

14. If the government increases its funding for civilian scientific research, private patrons and industries will believe that such research has bee primarily the government's responsibility. When they believe that research is no longer primarily their responsibility, private patrons and industries will decrease their contributions toward research. Therefore, in order to keep from depressing the overall level of funding for civilian scientific research, the government should not increase its own funding.

Which one of the following is an assumption on which the argument relies?

(A) Governments should bear the majority of the financial burden of funding for civilian scientific research.

(B) Any increase in government funding would displace more private funding for civilian scientific research than it would provide.

(C) Private donations toward research are no longer weled by researchers whose work receives government funding.

(D) Civilian scientific research cannot be conducted efficiently with more than one source of funding.

(E) funding for civilian scientific research is currently at the highest possible level.

15. Dental researcher: Filling a city in a tooth is not a harmless procedure: it inevitably damages some of the healthy parts of the tooth. Cities are harmful only if the decay reaches the nerves inside the tooth, and many cities, if left untreated, never progress to that point. Therefore, dentists should not fill a city unless the nerves inside the tooth are in imminent danger from that city.

Which one of the following principles, if valid, most strongly supports the researcher's reasoning?

(A) Dentists should perFORM any procedure that is likely to be beneficial in the long term, but only if the procedure does not cause immediate damage.

(B) Dentists should help their patients to prevent cities rather than waiting until cities are present to begin treatment.

(C) A condition that is only potentially harmful should not be treated using a method that is definitely harmful.

(D) A condition that is typically progressive should not be treated using methods that provide only temporary relief.

(E) A condition that is potentially harmful should not be left untreated unless it can be kept under constant surveillance.


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