

11月16日 编辑 39baobao.com

[数学“问题解决”研究概览]1.多种意义下的数学问题解决及其研究 数学问题解决是多学科研究的对象,心理学和教育学、数学和数学教育学等学科都从不同的侧面来研究它,但各自研究的出发点和落脚点是有差异的...+阅读

Nowadays people in urban areas are confronted with severe housing problems such as shortages of spaces and the inferior quality of buildings. These problems will no doubt lead to moral or economical crimes and increase the insecurity of citizens. As to whether only the government should take on the responsibilities to cope with the problems there arises a controversial discussion that draws the public’s great concern.

Advocates hold the opinion that it is only the government’s obligation to deal with housing problems. For one thing, only the government has the ability to call for experts in relative fields to get together and present their ideas on this issue. The government can also provide enough funds and equipments when necessary during the process of problem solving. For another, one of the government’s unique functions is legislation. The government can standardize behiors in constructing and purchasing so that the serious situation will be controlled to some extent. Besides, it is generally believed that policies of housing m

ade out by government are authorized and convincing. Therefore they are much easier to be implemented.

Opponents, however, argue that the government shouldn’t be the only one to work out housing problems. To start with, government officers he to deal with problems in all aspects of the development of local area every day. If the government is required to concentrate on solving housing problems, its workload will be increased and many other problems cannot be solved effectively. Additionally, other professional institutions like real estate panies may he more professional and practical views on this issue. It is essential to make full use of their functions. Moreover, solving problems together will increase the awareness of social responsibility and sense of belonging among the citizens. Unity is an extremely important factor for the development of the whole society.

Personally, I side with the latter because a satisfied situation of housing is closely related to the benefits of individuals. Thus our joint effort is urgently needed.


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