

03月18日 编辑 39baobao.com


Instruction to industrial design, basis of design, engineering graphics, basis of engineering, basisi of mechnic design, moulding material and cfraft basis, product system design, the principles of advertising, introduction to communication, visual communication design, packaging design, decorating design, priciple and method of product design, design of home appliance style, computer aided design, introduction to art, product development design, theory of morphological design, design aesthetics, engineering mechanics, material mechanics


视觉传达设计及原理 Visual Communication Design and Principles 图示思考与表达 Graphic Thinking and Presentation 对这个课程名称不太理解,如果你们是学的图形符号所代表的含义,那用一个专有名词好一些:Semiotics 色彩设计及原理 Color Design and Theories 产品设计 Product Design 环境设施设计及原理 Environmental Facilities Design and Principles 展示设计及原理 Exhibition Design and Principles 产品结构选型??我是学产品设计的,没听说过这个名词。。。你们这个课学的什么啊?如果是关于产品结构的分析,那就写Analysis and Selection of Product Structure好了,单说“结构选择”会让外国人不理解的。要是嫌名字长不要and Selection也可以,反正分析完了总要得出一个结论来的,那就是选择啦~个人感觉Analysis of Product Structure更恰当,如果是我理解的这个课程内容的话~




艺术设计平面类课程名称英语翻译求助这个我们学过,可能我翻译的不太准: Color base Decorative patterns Introduction to Aesthetics Line Drawing Color Composition Design Color Plane Formation Design and...

求VB课程设计代码文件最好有报告及模板!VB初级者急用!谢谢!ef x As Integer, ByRef y As Integer) As Integer ADD = x + y End Function Private Function Multi(x As Integer, y As Integer) As Integer Multi = x * y End Functio...

跪求锅炉课程设计给我也行啊!! 2、任务 根据给定的燃料、锅炉受热面布置图及说明,编制各受热面烟道处烟气平均特性表、烟气焓温表;(共7种设计燃料,每人选定1种燃料进行计算) 计算锅炉效率及燃料消耗...

求VB课程设计我自己写了一个射击游戏,工程我已发 代码: Dim x11 As Double Dim x22 As Double Dim y11 As Double Dim y22 As Double Dim m As Boolean Dim j As Integer Dim l As Integer...

求VB课程设计代码文件最好有报告及模板 VB初级者急用谢谢ef x As Integer, ByRef y As Integer) As Integer ADD = x + y End Function Private Function Multi(x As Integer, y As Integer) As Integer Multi = x * y End Functio...


机械设计课程设计求点子应该设计什么课程设计应该是齿轮减速器了。相当于高中的理综了,应该熟悉理论力学,材料力学,机械设计,机械原理,机械制图,机械公差配合,机械工艺的基础上进行设计。首先化整为零, 结构方面可将减...

求一个EDA课程设计的方案可以做交通灯或者是键盘扫描的EDA课程设计啊 我刚刚昨晚,是用FPGA实验箱做的课程设计,其中的软件程序就是用VHDL编写的。 1、交通灯的控制 在十字路口,每条道路各有一组红、黄...

石油工程专业课程名字英语翻译急用谢谢oil layer physicspermeation fluid mechanicsoilfield chemistry fundamentalsordinary geology and formational geologyexploit geology basiswell log interpretation a...
