

03月13日 编辑 39baobao.com

[小学生对老师的感谢信5篇]小学生感谢信范文篇一: 亲爱的xx老师: 您好! 时间过得真快,在不知不觉中过去了四年,从不懂事的一年级到品学兼优的四年级,您一直陪伴着我们。把一个个愚昧无知的小顽童,变成了一个...+阅读

Dear teacher: I will soon study in the meddle school. Thanks for you teaching me for so many years. I will bear in mind you to teach me.I think of very much in the time of the primary school. I will stduy hard. I will recompense you. As you has often remarked, one is never too old to learn.I will often come back to see you. loves, XXX(你的名字) 老师: 我马上要进入初中学习了。感谢您多年来对我的指导。我会谨记您对我的教诲。我很怀念在小学的时光。我会努力学习,将来报答您。正如您常说的那样,人要活到老学到老。我会常回来看您的! 您的学生 XXX(你的名字) *署名在右边。这个地方打不出来。...


A thank-you letter

Dear Editor,

I'm Hu Jun.I went on a holiday in Qing Dao.I remember it was raining one day.Unfortunately,my right leg was crippled because of the slippery road.A policeman persisted in sending me to the hospital regardless of his own children who need caring.I don't know his name,I only learn that his number is 7719.I hope he can see my letter in the newspaper.


Hu Jun


Dear Li Feng,

I just wanted to thank you again for the birthday party last night. I knew you organized this party. I was really happy when everyone sang the Happy Birthday song. I liked the presents too. It was a really nice surprise. I will never forget that birthday. Thank you so much! I am very lucky to have you as my friend and classmate!


Li Hua



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