

11月24日 编辑 39baobao.com


Foreign Economic Relations & Trade mittee of What City

Address: 地址略

Tel: 电话号码略 Fax: 传真号码略

To: Ms Jaana Pekkala, Consultant for China Swiss anization for Facilitating Investments Fax: +41-1-249 31 33

Total pages of this fax: 2

Dear Ms Jaana Pekkala,

We understand from The Swiss Business Guide for China that your anization is helping Swiss firms in seeking opportunities of investing in China and business cooperating with Chinese partners. To establish business relations with your anization and attract Swiss panies' investment here in What, We write to introduce our city, the city of What, as one of the open cities in Liaoning Province, China and also ourselves, Foreign Economic Relations & Trade mittee of What, as a What government initiative to facilitate business relationship with foreign panies.

Our mittee provides advice and assistance to What firms seeking to export their services, goods to foreign areas and import goods and services abroad. We also assist Whatfirms in establishment of joint ventures and carry the procedures for examination and approval of joint ventures and foreign sole investment firms. Our mittee can provide What panies with information on the world market and specific mercial opportunities as well as anize trade missions, seminars and business briefings.

Our mittee facilitates and encourages investment from other countries into targeted sectors of What economy and maintains active promotion of What through its work of contacts in domestic and abroad areas.

Nowadays, we are seeking foreign investment in the field of capital construction, such as improving of tap water system and highway construction. Also, we are setting up a tannery zone in Tong'erpu, the largest leather clothes producing and wholesaling base in North China. We invite Swiss panies with most forable polices to set up their firms in any form on tanning, leather processing and sewage treatment.

Any information on investment projects into What and on business cooperation with firms in What is highly appreciated and will be pass on to anyone who he approached us with interest in similar project. You are also invited to our city for investigation and business tour.

Should you he any questions, please fell free to contact us.

Thank you for your attention and looking forward to your prompt reply.

Sincerely yours,

Qiming Di

mercial Assistant

For Foreign Economic Relations & Trade mittee of What City



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