[小学英语教师中级职称答辩试题有什么]1工作履历方面的英文自我介绍 2教学设计,就是说课 3一个英文的问题 4另一个英文的问题,或者英文描述一项课堂活动 5阅读短文回答问题 答辩当天提前半个小时左右到,到了之后会安...+阅读
(一)口语表达能力小学英语教师的口语表达要求教师发音准确、流利、地道,也就是说语音知识过硬.小学英语是一门基础学科,如果教师发音不准、不地道,那么其学生的口语就令人费解,很难用英语与人交流,又怎能适应二十一世纪国际化、信息化的社会呢?这一点要求教师一定要有过硬的语音基础.要做到这一点,平时就要多听标准地道的英语广播、录音,提高自己的语音基础.口语表达能力就是准确、无误、流利地用口语表达自己的意思,询问对方信息,达到交流的能力.口语表达能力是语音知识的提高与升华.口语表达能力要求不但有过硬的语音基础,还要具备丰富的词汇,语音基础再好,也可能因词汇的贫乏而达不到交流的目的.现代孩子的生活知识面越来越宽,信息来源广,电视、电脑已是生活的一部分,新鲜事物越来越多,那么教师就得不断学习、充电,扩展知识面,丰富自己的词汇,提高口语表达能力.教师能当孩子的小翻译,课上课下、有意无意地与孩子交流,这样孩子从心里佩服你、仰慕你,增加对英语的兴趣.(二)英语思维与汉语思维转换的能力英语思维能力是英语教师必备的重要能力.有些人虽然具有丰富的词汇,语音基础也很好,但由于缺乏英语思维的能力,还是借助于母语思维,不能达到汉语思维与英语思维的自由转换.因此,英语水平只能停留在最初的水平上———汉语式英语,不能上升到更高的层次.那么英语教师只有提高自己的英语思维能力,才能培养出用英语思维的学生.口语表达是英语交流的重要形式,是英语思维的具体体现;英语思维是口语表达的基础,二者相辅相成.二、活用教材、编写教材的能力小学英语教材很多,各有各的特点.这就要求教师要根据自己学生的实际,广采教材,作以调整、取舍,内化成自己的东西,达到活用教材.只有在熟悉教材与学生的基础上,才能把握好课堂,在有限课堂时间里提高频率、效率,激起学生兴趣.比如歌曲、诗歌、绕口令等.歌曲、诗歌是孩子们喜爱的活动,能降低难度,易记.听到优美的旋律,节奏明快的音乐,孩子们感到愉快,兴奋的情趣顿时在孩子们的心中产生,积极地投入到歌唱中来;诗歌韵味强,读起来琅琅上口,再配以适当的形体语言,既能帮助儿童体会语感,又能帮助他们理解诗意,激发学习英语的兴趣.比如 One,two,tie your shoes.Three,four,touch the floor....说的同时跟老师做动作,既生动形象,同时孩子又在愉快的学习中积累了词汇,体会了语感.三、调控课堂的能力小学生,特别是低年级学生,具有有意注意时间短,活泼好动,表现欲强烈,争强好胜的生理、心理特点,这一特点决定一节课不可能一成不变地上下来.过于单调的课堂容易分散学生的注意力,那么教师就必须精心设计、合理安排课堂内容,采用各种方法,动静相结合,学习与游戏相结合,调控好课堂,充分调动学生的积极性,激发兴趣.比如说在课堂上根据需要合理设置各种游戏、比赛等,调动他们的好胜心.形式可以是个人比赛与小组比赛相结合,设奖品.奖品是红旗、红花、简笔画、实物等.具体做法有听听指指、听音画画、涂颜色、听音连线,看、听、说、做,故事表演等,使他们在玩中学、学中玩,愉快学习,尝试成功,达到主动学习的目的.具体怎样操作,视学生的学习情况来确定.四、具有设置情景和表演的能力学习英语的目的是交流运用英语,交流的主要形式是口语.交流运用英语都是在一定的情景下进行的,品黄黑MYK 不同的情景要求不同的语调、语气、表情和体态语言.大家都知道,西方人面部表情、体态语言很丰富,这是交流的辅助手段.这就要求教师是活生生的生活演员,而不是传授语言知识的机器.只有教师在很投入的情况下,学生才能在教师的感染下大胆主动地学习.课堂教学中,教师应为学生创设某些情景,让学生发挥想象,积极配合教师的教学,从而使课堂活跃,提高教学效果.比如说Look!I have a dog.教师教授这一句型时,就可以模仿动物的声音、动作,把自己拥有动物的那种自豪、炫耀的心情露于言表,小孩子很快就会明白.孩子们活泼好动,他们会自然而然地模仿,并且能创造性的使用这一句型,达到交流的目的.五、具有绘画的基本功英语教学法中有直观教学法,直观教学法是小学英语教学中常用的方法之一.在小孩的思维以形象思维为主的阶段,英语教学中就应该用到实物、模型、图画、简笔画等教具.简笔画是简捷实惠的教具,几笔就能简单明了地勾勒出实物的图形、故事情节,用于辅助教学,使学生易于理解.这一点就要求教师具有简笔画的功底.出手成画,辅助教学,事半功倍.小学教师要学习简笔画,勤画,提高画画的速度与能力.
Hi, my name is Aurora. I am 23, and last year I was graduated from the Jiangxi Technological Institute of Industrial Vocations. My major was Business English. The college education provided me with a four-year experience of solid training, where I have got excellent results.
After the graduation, I wanted to temper my personal ability by finding a job away from my hometown. I worked for one year in Shanghai as a telephone salesperson, which gave me valuable experiences of interacting with other people, listening to them as well as convincing them on the quality of what I was promoting.
I was born in Nanchang City, the capital of Jiangxi Province. It is a beautiful place with breathtaking views overlooking the mighty Yangtze River. To be born in this paradise city is the greatest luck I have ever had, where the natural essence and harmonized living environment nurtured my characters.
I have no brothers or sisters, the full love of my parents formed me an open personality. I am easygoing, and am keen in learning new things. I am a good team-worker, cooperating well with others. I have also a vivid extracurricular life with abound hobbies, such as singing, dancing, drawing, with which I was in several contests and won prizes. I love children, and my dream career is to be an outstanding teacher. That was why I have applied for this job. I will be working very hard to fulfill my duty as a teacher, and I hope that you will give me a consideration to be a qualified candidate.
Thank you very much!
Regardless of which the first section, teachers are for students in the classroom reaction to the corresponding evaluation, both optimization classroom teaching method is for students learning state the flank of self-evaluation. Of the teachers team evaluation should be pertinence and effectiveness First, teachers should make clear the purpose of classroom group evaluation. Class teaching high school students, teachers are unable to number to every student carries on the corresponding evaluation, and teachers of group evaluation criterion in a certain extent solves this problem. Group evaluation promoted in groups of cooperation and communication between students and played the role of mutual supervision and encouragement, make every student to participate in classroom learning activities. This evaluation emphasizes internal incentive effect, as far as possible to weaken external screening or elimination role. Secondly, the teacher should consider evaluation methods, rules, timing and evaluating the processing of detail. For team evaluation can throughout the classroom teaching process, but not used for each activity each link, Otherwise, this evaluation will excessive occupy class hours, even increase teachers' and students' burden. The author thought, the following points in time is for group evaluation optimal opportunity. Let the students to participate in classroom evaluation Students are classroom study main body, of course evaluation should be helpful for students to know themselves and establish self-confidence. Let the students to self-assessment and proved way to participate in classroom assessment, help students reflection and control its learning behavior. 1. The teacher's classroom assessment must be natural and simple When teaching in class, the teacher evaluation mainly through spoken language or body language to finish, so that the students can learn in time to experience the joy of success. Teachers' evaluation should be encourages primarily, even if the students' answers incorrect, also want to let the student feel teachers care, thus stimulates the again the courage to try and keep working hard confidence. Teachers' of course evaluation of ultimate purpose is not to record the students in the classroom, nor to put each team's performance in each class is divided the good and bad grades. Teachers' of course evaluation is to control their learning mood, arousing the students to participate in classroom learning activities, the enthusiasm. If the student has actively participate in classroom activity, the teacher not was necessary to overemphasize activity effect of statistics, regardless students needed. Teacher carries on the classroom evaluation to avoid using natural and graceful, excessively exaggerating movement and tone, Praising is rightly, can never feel free to use words of encouragement and praise. If the praise of Cyprus too easy, students will be granted, and it may also cause problems due to the students or optional handle. I think, misuse, encouragement and compliment is the primary school English classroom evaluation error. The new curriculum standards emphasizes on students' respect and appreciation for students blindly doesn't mean to praise.
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