

02月28日 编辑 39baobao.com


China is the examination-oriented education, history and reality and, of course, is examination-oriented education in a large population

National talent to choose a relatively low cost. However, the results of the examination-oriented education is to train

Students from a general lack of innovation. Some people say: "Why can not a Chinese one Nobel

Prize winner. "Maybe this is the reason.

Education in the United States or the West in many countries, focus on quality education. Concern for each individual student's

Development, and encourage them to open the wings thinking, encourage students to contribute to innovation








In the western culture, teachers teach more creatively.

The teacher won't allowed to hit students no matter what.

Not that many homework and no homework over the holidays.

Sometimes teachers will give class time to do homeworks.

Most teachers are pretty nice, they don't shout at students.

One year split into 4 terms.

They didn't have to study that deep into a subject which they don't need it or not interested in, as China does. You just need to know the basics of it.

From high school onwards, they get to choose their own options which they are interested in and will help them in their future career.


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