[学霸考出雅思4个7分!恭喜R同学读梅西大学教育GD课程获formal offer!]新西兰留学精彩案例分享学生背景学生姓名:R同学生源地:广州学历情况:国内新政管理本科毕业,毕业后在当地的外资学校从事教育相关工作指导顾问:徐闻杰老师目标院校及专业:申...+阅读
Describe a classmate of yours
Describe a good friend
Describe a happy person
Describe a colleague
Describe a neighbor
Describe your own personality
Describe a family member
Describe a child you know
Describe an old person
Describe an old person who has influenced you the most
Describe a successful person
Describe a singer
Describe a sportsman
Describe a movie star
Describe a character in TV or movie
Describe a teacher of yours
Describe a famous person that you want to spend a day with.
Describe a building at schools
Describe a historical place
Describe a monument
Describe an interesting building
Describe a lake, river or sea.
Describe a peaceful place
Describe a leisure place
Describe a park
Describe a place of interest
Describe a natural beauty
Describe a city you want to live in
Describe a place you he visited
Describe a place you always go for shopping
Describe a restaurant you often go to
Describe a club or pub
Describe an exhibition
Describe a hotel
Describe your ideal house
Describe your forite room in your house
Describe your acmodation
Describe a quiet place.
Describe your forite book
Describe a book you want to write
Describe a newspaper or magazine
Describe a photo
Describe a gift
Describe something important to you
Describe a painting
Describe a piece of cloth or jewelry
Describe something expensive that you want to buy
Describe a handicraft
Describe a piece of art work
Describe a piece of traditional clothes
Describe a pet
Describe a wild animal
Describe a letter
Describe a toy
Describe a dish that you like
Describe a website you often go to
Describe a way of transportation
Describe a way of munication
Describe a happy event
Describe a family event
Describe a piece of good family news
Describe a success in your life
Describe an important decision in your life
Describe a positive change in your life
Describe a special meal
Describe a party
Describe a birthday celebration
Describe a wedding
Describe an exciting trip
Describe a visit
Describe an exciting experience
Describe a cultural event
Describe an economic event
Describe a festival
Describe a 3-day holiday.
Describe a short course
Describe a school trip
Describe an achievement
Describe a bad weather
Describe a difficult thing
Describe a project you finished with others
Describe s kill that you want to learn
Describe your forite advertisement
Describe your forite movie
Describe your forite music
Describe your forite TV program
Describe a story you know
Describe your forite relaxation method.
Describe your ideal job
Describe a business you want to start
Describe an advantage in your character
Describe an ambition of yours
Describe your forite period of time in a day
雅思听力语音词汇全面指导雅思听力语音词汇全面指导而要想提高发音水平,请考生记住有章可循的好方法:跟读+模仿,跟读和模仿native speaker的材料会帮助我们养成标准发音的好习惯。雅思听力考察学生各...
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