
英文诗歌 ode on solitude的格律和韵律分别是什么

02月17日 编辑 39baobao.com


Solitude Happy the man, whose wish and careA few paternal acres bound, (acres[/eik ])Content to breathe his native air In his own ground.Whose herds with milk, whose fields with bread,Whose flocks supply him with attire; Whose trees in summer yield him shade,In winter fire.Blest, who can unconcern'dly findHours, days, and years slide soft awayIn health of body, peace of mind,Quiet by day,Sound sleep by night; study and ease Together mix'd; sweet creation;And innocence, which most does pleaseWith meditation.Thus let me live, unseen, unknown;Thus unlamented let me die;Steal from the world, and not a stoneTell where I lie.注释: the first stanza can be rewritten like this: the man is happy, whose wish and care are bound by a few paternal acres, and who is content to breathe his native air in his own ground. 其意思相当于《中庸》上所说的“君子素位而行,不愿乎其外。

”Jude The Obscure 中有一句话说:a contented mind is a continual feast.(Jude the Obscure.P378)Whose herds with milk, /whose fields with bread,/Whose flocks supply him with attire; 前两行省略了“supply him with”。Attire:服装。unconcern'dly,即unconcernedly:漫不经心,无忧无虑,悠然自得。第三节可以改写成:Blest is the man who can unconcern'dly find Hours, days, and years slide soft away In health of body and in peace of mind 相当于“ I see him leave.”这样的句子。

study and ease /Together mix'd; sweet creation;/And innocence, which most does please/With meditation. 他劳逸结合,有令人欢喜的娱乐活动,还有天真的性情。这天真的性情与沉思结合起来,最使他高兴。内容解析:避开尘世的烦扰,与世无争,潜心学术,并悠然自得地享受田园生活,这是最幸福的。与《庄子》“恬淡寂寞,虚无无为”(《刻意》)之说有相似之处。

陶渊明有几句诗可以与此诗相参:“息交游闲业,卧起弄书琴。园蔬有余滋(生长得很多。滋:生长),旧谷犹储今。营己良有极,过足非所钦。舂秫作美酒,酒熟吾自斟。弱子戏我侧,学语未成吟。此事真复乐,聊用忘华簪(比喻高官厚禄)。”(《和郭主薄》其一)形式解析:此诗五节,每节四行。韵尾是abab。节奏主要是四音步抑扬格(i/ambic te/trameter),每节四音步:Happy │the man, │ whose wish │and care A few │pater│nal a│cres bound,Content│ to breathe │his na│tive air In his │own ground.Whose herds │with milk, │whose fields │with bread,Whose flocks │supply │him with│ attire; Whose trees│ in sum│mer yield│ him shade,In win│ter fire.Blest, who │can un│concern'd│ly findHours, days, │and years │slide soft│ awayIn health│ of bo│dy, peace│ of mind,Quiet │by day,Sound sleep│ by night; │ study│ and ease Toge│ther mix'd; │ sweet cre│ation;And in│nocence, │ which most │does pleaseWith me│ditation.Thus let │me live, │unseen, │unknown;Thus un│lamen│ted let│ me die;Steal from │the world, │ and not│ a stoneTell where │I lie.参考译文: 人生如何方为乐,唯有知足不贪心。



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