

01月01日 编辑 39baobao.com

[初中文言文翻译])和峤性至俭,家有好李,王武子①求之,与不过数十。王武子因其上直,率将③少年能食之者,持斧诣园,饱共啖毕,伐之,送一车枝与和公②。问曰:“何如君李?”和既得,唯笑而已。 【注释】 ①王武...+阅读

A little girl's dream Dreams keep running through my mind Reflecting memories of long ago. Made in a land of fairy tales, A place my heart longs for so. Cut off from the rest of the world With streams, and meadows to roam, Viewed from a little girl's eyes, A place that would always be home A place where berries grew wild Where rabbits and squirrels were seen Where a racoon could be a friend And deer played down by the stream. A world where imagination made all come true And a little girl could be a queen Where daydreams were spun like cobwebs But a world where everything wasn't what it seemed. For every little girl has to grow up And daydreams shatter in your hand, You find the home you thought was your own Is nothing but a simple piece of land. The flowers don't seem to bloom so bright, And fairy tales no longer come true, For it is seen now through grownup eyes, No longer the world that you knew. But still...Somewhere in the back of my mind That place will always remain From all those memories long ago To beckon me back time and again. 一个小女孩的梦想 一连串的梦掠过我的脑海, 勾起我对很久以前的记忆。

缔造在童话里的那片乐土, 是我内心非常向往的土地。 那里与其他地方没有什么联系, 那里流淌着清澈的小溪, 和可以漫游的草地。 在小女孩的眼晴里, 我的家始终设在那里。 那里有着野生的各种浆果, 那里可以看到兔子和松鼠, 那里的浣熊可以成为我的朋友, 那里的鹿儿沿着溪流到处游历。 想象中的世界一切都可成真, 一个小女孩也可以成为女王。

可是白日梦似被捻成了蜘网, 世界上每件事远非都似想象。 每一个小女孩都必须长大, 白日梦破灭在你自己手里。 你找到的家只属于你自己, 不过是一小块简陋的土地。 花儿看来不会开得这样灿烂, 童话再也不会成真。 成人的眼睛来看现在, 不再是你所熟悉的那块土地。 但是.... 那里将会永远驻留在 我心底里的某些地方。 来自往昔的所有回忆, 多次招手要我回到它那里。




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