

11月16日 编辑 39baobao.com

[病历分析例题——缺铁性贫血][病例摘要] 患者女性,25岁,因面色苍白、头晕、乏力1年余,加重伴心慌1个月来诊。 1年前无明显诱因头晕、乏力,家人发现面色不如从前红润,但能照常上班,近1个 月来加重伴活动后心慌,曾...+阅读

雅思写作的评分标准变为:TR,CC,GRA和LR后,评分标准细化,具体化,从而对英语语言基本功的考查力度加大。 笔者现将在课堂上讲的多样化句式的一部分内容拿出来跟读者共享。


A Begin sentence with an appositive

The forest ranger, an expert in forest fire control, talked to the campers about safety in the woods.

An expert in forest fire control, the forest ranger talked to the campers about safety in the woods.

the country’s biggest cellular operator, China Mobile is looking at tighter controls on Inter-related service providers, industry insiders say.

B Begin a sentence with an adverb

The fog was slowly settling down.

Slowly the fog was settling down.

Obviously enough, he himself can not handle the trouble by himself.

C Begin a sentence with an adjective or adjective phrase

Mr Boyd was very angry and began to defend his reputation with strong arguments.

Angry, Mr Boyd began to defend his reputation with strong argument.

Tired and frustrated, the teacher went home to he a rest.

D Begin sentences with participle phrases

I jogged very day and increased my energy level.

Jogging every day, I soon increased my energy level.

Tim was troubled by a dream and he woke up with a start.

Troubled by a dream,

Tim woke up with a start.

Witnessed by Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao and leaders of the 10-mem ber ASEAN, Chinese Minister of merce Bo Xilai signed the agreement with 10 economic ministers of the ASEAN countries.

E Begin sentences with an infinitive phrase

You must attend every class to succeed in a course.

To succeed in a course, you must attend every class.

F Begin sentences with a prepositional phrase

Madame Curie was an industrious worker in the scientific laboratory.

In the scientific laboratory, Madame Curie was an industrious worker.

Under a new scheme, established SPs can bee pure content providers and China Mobile may seek a bigger portion of the shared revenues.

In the short term, operators will not abandon SPs.

For China Mobile, a dramatic change in its partnership scheme may be harmful.

G Begin sentences with clause modifiers

He did not want to rewrite the paper because he was tired and hungry and discouraged.

Because he was tired and hungry and discouraged, he did not want to rewrite the paper.

You may regret in leisure what you impulsively do in haste.

What you impulsively do in haste you may regret in leisure.


病历分析例题——化脓性脑膜炎[病例摘要] 男性,4个月,反复发热伴呕吐13天 患儿于13天前无明显原因发热达39℃,伴轻咳,曾呕吐数次,吐出胃内容物,非喷射性,无惊厥,曾验血WBC14×109/L,中性81%,住院按“上感”治疗好转出...

病历分析例题——慢性菌痢[病例摘要] 男性,35岁,因腹痛、脓血便2个月来诊 患者2个多月前出差回来后突然发热达38℃,无寒战,同时有腹痛、腹泻,大便每日 10余次,为少量脓血便,伴里急后重,曾到附近医院化验大便有...

病历分析例题——流行性脑脊髓膜炎[病例摘要] 男性,15岁,因高热、头痛、频繁呕吐3天,于1月10日来诊 患者3天前突然高热达39℃,伴发冷和寒战,同时出现剧烈头痛,频繁呕吐,呈喷射 性,吐出食物和胆汁,无上腹部不适,进食少,二便...

病历分析例题——糖尿病2型糖尿病肾病女性,67岁,多饮、多食、消瘦十余年,下肢浮肿伴麻木一个月 十年前无明显诱因出现烦渴、多饮,饮水量每日达4000ml,伴尿量增多,主食由6两/日增至1斤/日,体重在6个月内下降5kg,门诊查血...

病历分析例题——胃溃疡,合并出血[病例摘要] 男性,75岁,间断上腹痛10余年,加重2周,呕血、黑便6小时 10余年前开始无明显诱因间断上腹胀痛,餐后半小时明显,持续2-3小时,可自行缓解。2周来加重,纳差,服中药后无效。6小时...

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应重视例题教学后的反思一、反思解题思路,训练思维的深刻性 由于学生的智力差异,每道例题教学后,总有部分学生对例题所讲的思考方法、解题思路掌握得不牢固,因此,在例题教学后回顾和总结解题思路则显得...


《陈毅探母》中的句式训练这课教学的一个重点是让他们用“一边…一边”“一…就”说一句话。 对于说一句话,以前练得不是太多。这次接触这个,而且是要用有关的关联词造句,对于他们来讲有一...
