

11月16日 编辑 39baobao.com


Today, it is mon that TV news programs show the images of disasters and violence to the public. Discuss the reasons and the effects on the individual and the society.

In the song “where is the love” by Black eyed peas, there is a sentence: Negative images were always shown by the media, instead of spreading love, we’re spreading animosity. Indeed broadcasting the images of disasters and violence broadcasted by TV is a prevailing phenomenon at present. Here I will discuss the principles under this scenario and the possible impacts on the individual and the society as a whole.

First and foremost, the media especially TV broadcasters often do this in order to attract people’s eye. The existence of the inter websites merely gives more pressure on the broadcasting panies, as it is surely that their market shares are being divided. In terms of the profit interest, the TV panies will certainly not be at their wit’s end and do nothing.Instead, broadcasting violence and disasters will enhance people’s curiosity of watching the detailed news, hence in a way to boom the number of total audiences. Another point is that, TV shows those images might due to a special need. For instance, in China, we he just experienced a very tragic moment: the SICHUAN, WENCHUAN big earthquake. At that time, the media

was actually acting as a predominating role to broadcast the catastrophe, hence raising the awareness and consciousness of the public. A lot of people in the other districts and even from all over the world heard the news from the TVs and donate their money to certain institutions afterwards. That was thought to be the main reason that Chinese people could overe this tough moment stark quickly. TV, hence bees a rather instantaneous and effective medium to spread the big news and its merits is indelible.

Every cloud has its lining, the phenomenon will inevitably bring some negative effects, especially to youngsters who he got far less consciousness and self-discipline than adults. Frequent appearance of violence may cast clouds over their little spirits, which might even affect their physical and mental building. In addition to that, young people are believed to he better imitation ability. What might make matter worse is that youngster may try to mimic what they see on the TV and cause juvenile delinquency.

To sum up, the reasons for the frequent broadcasts of such images are many. I he simply pointed out some of the more obvious ones. Nevertheless, it is certain that we shall use the broadcasting in a more effective method and increase the social awareness of the aim of those broadcasts.


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