

03月18日 编辑 39baobao.com

[小学牛津英语所有笔记]第一课时 教学目标: 1. 能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词:mean, danger, should, shouldn't, litter, park, cycle. 2. 能听懂、会说和会读单词和词组:public, a sign, grass, q...+阅读


It's time to do.该做某事了。

want to do=would like to do 想要做某事

go /come to do 去/来做某事

how to do 怎样做某事

try to do 试着做某事

need to do 需要做某事

forget to do 忘记做某事


No + doing 禁止做某事

like doing 喜欢做某事

How about doing…? 做某事怎么样

see sb.doing sth. 看见某人正在干某事


1. like+名词复数 (喜欢某物)

like doing /like to do (喜欢做某事)

2.would like sth.=want sth. (想要某物)

would like to + do=want to + do (想要做某事)

3.① know a lot about sth. (了解很多关于…)

②talk to sb. about sth. (和某人谈论某事)

③talk about sth. (谈论某事)

④talk to /with sb. (和某人交谈)

⑤ask sb.questions about sth.(问某人关于某事的问题)

⑥ask sb. to do sth. (要求某人做某事)

⑦ tell sb. about sth. (告诉某人关于某事)

⑧ help sb.(to) do sth. (帮助某人做某事)

⑨ let sb. do sth. (让某人做某事)

4.①give sb. sth.=give sth. to sb. (给某人某物--把某物给某人)

②show sb. sth. =show sth. to sb.(给某人看某物--把某物给某人看)

③buy sb. sth.= buy sth. for sb. (为某人买某物—买某物给某人)

5.pick it/them up 把它(它们)捡起 (it, them 只能放中间)

pick the book up = pick up the book 把书捡起 (具体东西可放中间也可放后面)

6. 时间表达法:at + 钟点(还有些固定搭配at night)

on +具体某一天(如星期几,星期几上午下午或几月几号)

in +月份或年(还有些固定搭配如 in themorning/afternoon/evening)

7. a lot of = lots of = many (许多,用于可数名词)

a lot of = lots of = much (许多,用于不可数名词)

8. excited (某人) 激动的,兴奋的 exciting (某物,某事)令人激动的,令人兴奋的

9. look for (寻找)注重过程 find(找到)注重结果

look at 看着 look after照料 look around 环顾


be going to

get up

wash face

brush teeth

raise your arms

trun left

turn right

sing songs

do art jprojects

play the durm

line up* 整队

at ease* 稍息

attention* 立正

count off* 报数

climb the hill 爬山

make a snowman 堆雪人

plant trees 种树

go to school 去上学

go home 回家

feed the fish 喂鱼

wash clothes 洗衣服

water the flowers 浇花

cook the chicken 烹饪鸡

clean the kitchen 打扫厨房

talk on the phone 打电话

watch TV 看电视

listen to music 听音乐

walk the dog 遛狗


1、增加、附加: in addition/furthermore/moreover/for one thing……for another/besides/and moreover/what's more/one more word/at the same time/plus

2、罗列,列举:firstly, in the first place, secondly, thirdly, my next point is, last/finally;for example/ for instance, to illustrate, an example/ instance of this is, let's take….., take…. for example/for instance; as an example; in particular; to begin with; to start with; for a start

3、承接:forementioned ~/in this context/as far as it goes/according to/ in this respect/in that connection/as we said/apart from this/ as I was saying; as I mentioned before

4、递进:after all/worse still/what's more/and then/ in addition (a little formal)/ as well as that/ another thing is/ besides = in any case/ for that matter

5、比较对照:on the other hand/on the contray/it is the other around / in (by) contrast/on the contrary/on the other hand/ nevertheless/ whereas/ then again/ in spite of (this)/despite this

6、强调:above all/more importangtly/indeed

7、解释:that's to say/the reason why…is…/for those reasons/ I mean; actually; that is to say (formal especially if not spoken using the contracted form); in other words; in fact; in actual fact; as a matter of fact.

8、转折:however/despite all this/it's one thing to do…another to do…

9、深化论述:or rather/there's no doubt that/it's no wonder (难怪)/to say nothing of/nedless to say(不用说)/it's obvious that(显而易见)/at all points=on all sides

10、阐明观点:in the eyes of sb/in one's opinion/it's my opinion that/on my reckoning/from one's point of voiew/to be frank=frankly speaking/to tell you the truth=honestly/it's clear that/to my way of thinking=it is said in one's thought that/I feel strongly that/as far as I'm concerned. 肯定:of course; admittedly; naturally; obviously; clearly; undeniably; undoubtedly

11、总结:in conclusion/in a word/all in all/altogether/in brief/ basically; fundamentally; generally

12、目的:to this end, for this purpose, with this in mind, in order to, so that

13、结果:as a result/at last The only way to do is…… When it comes to… A good idea occurred to me It matters to sb if … Have a outing at Get imformation about Fell surprised at It's evident that


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