

02月10日 编辑 39baobao.com

[寻找初中英语试题]用所给单词的适当形式填空 1,_____(people) like different kinds of movies. 2.Do you want _________(be ) a star? 3.My brother often ______(go )swimming on Sunday....+阅读

说教学过程Teaching procedures一般分为以下几个部分:I. 复习 (Revision) 5min (Daily report; 词汇diagram; brainstorming; activate schemata) II. 呈现 (Presentation) 5min III. 对话 / 阅读 (Dialogue)18m IV. 操练 (Practice) 10m V. 巩固 (Consolidation) 6m VI. 作业 (Homework) (Writing; continue the story; recite; retell) 范例如下:Today , I'7a686964616fe59b9ee7ad9431333332633631m going to talk about my plan for teaching …. First, I'd like to say something about the teaching content . … Second, the aims of this lesson are:1. Knowledge of language: … 2. Pratical skills … 3. Personal development … Thid, the focus and difficulties are: …. ryfvg Next, my way of teaching. Teaching English at primary schools aims at students' basic skills in listening and speaking and the their interest in English. So I find it necessary to design a task-based class: students will be assigned to do a survey. This task will make it possible for the students to pick up the language in an authentic way. Teaching aids: a recorder, sentences cards , stationary ,pictures, head ornaments and a form. I shall have the students join in the singing, ridding guessing and doing a survey . I'm going to take the following procedures: Step 1 Warm-up Step2 Presentation Step3 Practice Step 4 Consolidation Step 5 Assignment Ⅱ It's my pleasure to be here. Now, I'd like to say something about my teaching plans about … For its objective, it covers …objectives 1. Knowledge objective … 2. Ability objective … 3. Moral objective … During the procedure of my teaching, multi-media, over head project, tape recorder, pictures will surely be adopted that will also be accompanied by demonstration, role-playing, task-oriented approach. Through these methods and by using these aids, I want to teach the students how to be successful language learners. After analyzing the dialogue, I set off my teaching plan around 4 tasks and many activities: pre-task, while-task, post-task and creative task. … That's my idea about the teaching plan of this lesson. Thanks for listening.


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