

02月09日 编辑 39baobao.com

[如何提高小学英语课堂教学效率详细 0 3]”小学英语教学应该创造一切条件采取一切可用的方法激发学生对英语学习的兴趣和强烈的愿望,以提高英语课堂的效率。 一、 情境教学,创设环境 教育家叶圣陶先生说过:“胸有境,入...+阅读

Elephant animal totem If the United States is Turtle Island, a continent supported on the back of a turtle, then India would be Elephant Island, a continent supported on the back of an elephant. Throughout the centuries, Indian tradition dictated that all royalty the rulers of the land, be home on the backs of the children of the great beast that carried the world through space. The elephant was the totem animal of the god Shiva, the Destroyer, who seeks to banish illusion and to encourage a clearer perception of reality Shiva and his goddess-spouse, Radha, produced among their children the elephant-headed god Ganesha, who, as Lord of Ilosts, impregnated the virgin Maya to bring Buddha into flesh. Especially sacred in India was the white elephant, considered far too priceless to be used for work or warfare, but to be maintained by its owner in the finest of style. When we speak today of a "white elephant" purchase, we have realized too late that we have purchased an object at a price that exceeds its true value. Sometimes seen as a symbol of great sexual prowess in the Asian countries, the Chinese portray the elephant as representative of royalty, strength of purpose, and discretion. In the widest, most universal, and most obvious depiction of the elephant it is a symbol of strength. At various times in Medieval Europe, the elephant also became an emblem of wisdom, moderation, and eternity Then, accomplishing a complete change of cosmology, there appeared the elephant-headed demon, Behemoth, a favorite in Dark Side sorcery. If you have accepted the elephant as your totem animal, it may not be long before you are asked to assume a role of great responsibility in the workplace or in your community. If you feel attracted to the elephant as a totem animal, it is likely that you are involved in social work, public service, or politics. You may also feel a strong commitment to caring for the ill, the very young, and the elderly. Whenever you sense an injustice, you will be there on the side of the underdog. As your spirit helper, the elephant will be able to draw you back to a greater appreciation for the ancient mysteries than you have previously experienced. You will soon discover that your guide is extremely concerned about your maintaining always a solid balance of body, mind, and spirit. Under the tutelage of this spirit helper, you will place your time in the Silence as your top priority. You might find yourself wishing to burn some incense while you are meditating with this totem animal in order to help create an environment in which exploration of other higher levels of consciousness will be the rule, rather than the exception.




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