

02月09日 编辑 39baobao.com

[怏乐的大脚观后感600字]电影《快乐的大脚》观后感 它有着一对令人羡慕的父母,他们有着美丽的歌喉,唱着天籁般的歌曲,在它们的家乡闻名一时。它的出生,是让父母期盼的,依照传统,母亲出海捕鱼,它在父亲的监...+阅读

Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl is one of the fantastic films in my mind.Cause it has a deep clue,for Jack,for love. I think we shouldn't forget the charming person who always says that "I am Captain Jack Sparrow." I am envious of his soul of pirate. It means free,persevere,and heroic spirit.I couldn't forget his words“You'll always remember this as the day that you almost caught Captain Jack Sparrow.” Look,he's proud of his status.Maybe he is crafty and selfish(even though we uaually think he is funny),but he is just pursues his dream, pursues his Black Pearl and his free.So,though I know he is not a good man,I love him. There is also a true love between Will and Elizabeth.They didn't care their status but care each other no matter where.it is lucky for us to see the love which is so beautiful in the corsair. Anyway,valuable, therefore unforgettable.Let's remember it,for Jack,for love,for it's worth. __________________________________________ 都是我自己写的,有错误麻烦你改一下吧. 另一个 The success of a movie, which is more than absolute personal credit or two people to a large extent, good video behind the scenes often embody a large number of colors the artist's hard work and efforts, "Pirates of the Caribbean" 3 This song works more fame and fortune is no exception. Have been fortunate enough to enjoy this wonderful movie, the film has found the Art designers画稿set design drawing.画稿in this concentration, the figures from the design scene in some respects than the screen image more exciting, and people stunned to see the movie screen, sometimes just a matter of fact only shows the design of these exquisite one-tenth of画稿. Share and share in this exquisite design of these画稿also enable us to create these works of art experts behind the scenes to extend our warmest applause. Story or the story of betrayal and revenge ----- hero to save the United States and the pursuit of true love. Sprightly humorous film easily, not really evil bad guys, pirates are not like the anti-clown angle. Captain Jack Sparrow lovely, cool,珐范粹既诔焕达唯惮沥 a bit screwy. Kind-hearted, a little comedy and a little cunning. There is Stephen Chow's taste, a clown. If not him, and videos will be eclipsed. Although "Dead Man's Chest" in the more shock effect, but I still like the first fresh and natural. 翻译 一部电影能够取得成功,绝对不止是哪一个人或者两个人的功劳,在很大程度上,出色的影片背后,往往凝聚着一大批幕后各色艺术家的心血与汗水,《加勒比海盗》三部曲这样名利双收的作品更不例外。


故事还是那个故事-----背叛与复仇,英雄救美与追求真爱。 片子轻松明快幽默,没有真正邪恶的坏蛋,海盗们更像丑角而非反角。 可爱的杰克船长,酷,有点神经兮兮。善良,有点搞笑,又有点狡诈。有周星驰的味道,活宝一个。如果没有他,影片必将黯然失色。 尽管《聚魂棺》中的特效更加震撼,但我依然喜欢第一部的清新与自然。 ---------------- 这个来源于另一个回答。


电影美丽的大脚的观后感不少于200 300字!急需!美丽的大脚》这部电影反映了一位山村老师(张美丽)为了山村教育而奉献一生感人的故事片。 我们从两个不同的角度来分析一下这部故事片,来透析一下这位山村教师张美丽的人生。从...

电影快乐的大脚的观后感电影《快乐的大脚》观后感 它有着一对令人羡慕的父母,他们有着美丽的歌喉,唱着天籁般的歌曲,在它们的家乡闻名一时。它的出生,是让父母期盼的,依照传统,母亲出海捕鱼,它在父亲的监...


快乐的大脚的观后感来源与INTERNET,只作参考: 《快乐的大脚》观后感 《快乐的大脚》这部电影让我深有感触。它讲述了由于企鹅爸爸在孵化期的不小心,小企鹅Mumble刚出生就被认为是不正常的,无他,在以...


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鸦片战争观后感不要太好的一般般就行第一次鸦片战争简介 日期: 1840年6月28日 - 1842年8月 地点: 中国 结果: 英国胜利 起因: 虎门销烟 领土变更: 割让香港岛予英国 1840年(道光二十年),英国侵略者在其它西方资本主义列...

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