

03月08日 编辑 39baobao.com

[锻炼对我们的好处英语作文加翻译]Sports do us good in many respects.It goes without saying that taking exercises can build up our physical strength. In collective sports like basketball, volley...+阅读

To Be Happy,to Be Healthy

An old Chinese saying,“7a686964616fe78988e69d8331333238653963Health is wealth”.In order words,everything we own is based on good health.As loog as we are healthy,we can enjoy everything we wish and do everything we want,and it doesn't matter whether we have money.On the contrary,if we don't own health,nothing belongs to us ,for we are busy seeing doctors and taking medicine frequently.Losing health means losing everything.But,what shall we do so as to be healthy?First,we should have enough sleep,8 or 9 hours of sleep is needed for a person every night.Second,we are supposed to keep balanced diet.We should eat more vegetables than meat.Third,we need to do exercise at times.In the morning,we can do some running,and on weekends,we can go cycling.Friends,Let's try our best to be healthy,for health is of great importance for us all.


人们往往喜欢财富比健康。曾经有一个故事说,钱是一切。这个故事是由许多读者拒绝,因为他们认为生活是很现实的。如今,年轻女孩嫁给老男人由于他们的钱。他们认为,有了钱,你什么都可以。真理是超越。这是真的,你可以做很多事情的时候,你很有钱。但是你可以不买你的健康和健康的人与人的关系。目前,许多富裕的人们对药物使他们看起来年轻,给他们更多的能量。但我认为,人如果他们更健康的年轻。这是很自然的事。我的是,许多人挣扎与财富和健康之间的选择感到惊讶。人们会变得更富有,如果他们的寿命长,他们努力工作。有一个健康的身体,你可以做很多事情,就有很多钱。因此,信息传递是我每天醒来,开始做出正确的选择!所以健康是我们日常生活很重要的东西 People often prefers wealth over health. ONce there were a story talking about the fact that money wasnt everything. The story was rejected by many readers because they think life is very realistic. Nowdays, young girls marry old men because of their money. They believe that with money, you can anything. the truth was beyond. It is true that you can do many things when you are very rich. But you can never buy your health and your healthy relationship with others. currenly, a lot of rich people are on drugs that keep them look young and give them more energy. But i think that people would look young if they are more healthy. It is just a very natural thing. i was amazed by the fact that many people were stuggling with the choice between wealth and health. People would get richer if they life longer and they work harder. With a healthy body, you can do many things that just having a lot of money. so, the message that im delivering is wake up everyday, start making right choices! so health is very important thing in our dairy life


英语对你健康有好处的作文不少于6句How to keep myself healthyNowadays, people can afford to eat more than they need. Many people don't even have to do much walking to go to work. But these are no good to our healthy. In order to keep myself fit. I do regular exercises everyday. I also like walking to places where is not too far away from my home. On top of that, I ride my bicycle to school every morning and in my school soccer team as well. I do football training twice on weekends every week. So, I am keeping myself very healthy and happy.已超过六句,可以吗? 很希望我的回答会对你有帮助。如有不明白,可以再追问,若满意请采纳,谢谢你,并祝你进步!...


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