[谁有老师评价学生的书面表达]两年了,我应该对你说声“谢谢”,是你的责任感,为我分担了很多苦忧,无论是作为学生还是干 部,抑或是我的朋友,你都是优秀的。优 点:聪明、好学、知书达礼,有责任感,勇求上进;有 待提高:...+阅读
Near my home stand a big shopping center named new century shopping mall .Aitogether it has six fioors ,which includes resturants ,fast--food shop ,appliance mall,book shop ,clothes shop, shues shop ,PE supplies and so on .
Usually ,it opens at 8 am ,closes at 10pm ,and it has many customers every day.
Dear Sir/Madam,
I feel so sorry to inform you that I'm unable to attend your class this afternoon because of my sickness. Yesterday when I went to your class I didn't take notice of the weather. And when I was heading back home, I found it was raining and then my body was totally wet without the protection of umbrella. I got a fever at home, and need some days to recover. So I ask a 2-day leave from you.
Best Regards
Month, Date, Year
We have all sorts of activities . Such as sports、the corner of English....
Basketball and football are one of the most famous sports in our school. Many students like to play it at their free time. However, some girls don't like sprots . So , we have some classes for girls. Like painting、dancing and computers. Of course , some students like studying very much. So there is a corner of English. Just at Wednesday afternoon.
I don't think it's enough time for us to have our out-of clall activities. All of us want to have more time to play it . And less homework to finish.
every classmate,our school has a plan to organize us to have a look at the great wall to relax ,the goal the headmaster want to achieve is to fill the sparetime of the students with more meaningful experience. we should be ready to set off at 7:00a.m.april 6th,at that time ,everyone should be at the gate of our school on time to relieve the puzzles of our collecting.and just make sure that you will have gone with the sneakers ,drinks and umbrellas for the journey
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